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Baby orca

Salt Spring Transients!

Jordan | July 1, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

On this second trip of the day, we were really lucky that it stopped raining and the sun came out! Captain Mike and I were happy to hear of whales up in Canada, so we sped off north. We wound through Canadian islands until we hit Vancouver Island, then headed north along the west side of Salt Spring Island.

And then we found a pod of whales! We recognized them as the T65As! As one of my favorite pods, they have a tiny baby who is only a...

whale tail

Predation Presentation - Hunting Bigg's Killer Whales

Jordan | June 21, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00

The day boasted a brilliant sunshine but also a bombardment of wind. And with wind comes waves which made today quite the adventure! Captain Mike took our boat up north through the San Juan Channel to Boundary Pass in between Waldron and Stuart islands.  

Off of Turn Point on Stuart we found a group of Bigg’s orca whales! In fact, we caught these T65As amidst a hunting session! Diving erratically and swimming all around through the huge...


Springtime Animals in April

[Sunday, 4/29/18 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00 – Naturalist Erick]


This Sunday we Captain Mike and myself journeyed into the spring mist covering the San Juans. With us, we brought along a great group of folks aboard the M/V Sea Lion. We headed north through San Juan Channel and made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here there is a colony of mostly adult, male Steller Sea Lions. Every day they take up different positions on this rocky point, I assume, mostly due to the...

Humpback Whale

The Return of the Humpback Whales!

[Saturday, 4/21/18 – M/V Kestrel – 1:00PM – Naturalist Erick]


The past few weeks we have started running trips on our adventure vessel, M/V Kestrel. This craft is a RIB, a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat, and can go pretty fast, around 30 – 40 knots. We suit up in these dope red and black exposure suits and head off. Captain Brian and I took a full group of folks northward to go search for somefun and exciting wildlife. This Saturday was sunny with a little breeze. We made our first...

Steller Sea Lions

Spring is Abloom and the Wildlife is Wonderful

[Tuesday, 4/17/18 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00 – Naturalist Erick]

Another day goes by as the season of spring boldly brings us into a season of unpredictable weather, beautiful flowers and northward migration. Captain Mike and I took some folks out on this wonderful April day to go find some great wildlife. Our first stop was at Green Point on the eastern tip of Spieden Island. It was a little bit of a breezy day so all the sea lions that normally cover the rocky shore here were all in...

Steller Sea Lions

Springtime Wildlife Sightings - Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, & Harbor Porpoises Galore!

[Saturday, 4/14/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


Like most places in the northern hemisphere springtime is about balance. We get some bright sunny days where all the flowers seem to sing spring, and other days we get the classic drizzly Pacific Northwest weather. Today on our noon tour Captain Mike, Piper, and I took a group out on M/V Sea Lion to search for wildlife among these amazing islands. We headed north in San Juan Channel. We made our first stop just a little...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orca Family T2C's Hunting in Spieden Channel

[Sunday, 4/1/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


            On Sunday, we went on another fun search for wonderful wildlife in the San Juan Islands! We headed north towards Spieden Island. We made a quick stop just south of Point Caution because there were four Bald Eagles fighting over some carcass right next to shore. They were super active and kept dive bombing each other with talons open! After they flew away we continued northward. We headed through Spieden Channel...

Steller Sea Lions

Spring Time in the Islands - Wonderful Wildlife In and Out of the Water

[Friday -  3/23/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


     This Friday, Captain Mike and I took ourselves with a great group of guests out on a little adventure. We headed north on this nice spring day and pointed towards Spieden Island. We were on a search for exciting wildlife and our first stop was the eastern end of Spieden Island, called Green Point. Here we found one of the Steller Sea Lion colonies in the San Juans. This colony is only here in the winter months and...

Bigg's Orcas

A Family That Preys Together: T2C Transient Orcas Hunt Near Stuart Island

[Monday, 3/19/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


            Again, today, it was beautiful and sunny, and the green waters of the Salish Sea greeted us placidly. Sometimes this great weather is too much. Captain Mike, myself, and a newbie, Alexandria headed out with a great group of folks to find some fun creatures out in the wilds of the sea. We headed north to the place where we had spotted some orcas earlier that morning in San Juan Channel. We soon found them again...

Steller Sea Lions

Steller St. Patty's Day: Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Little Lambs

[Saturday, 3/17/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

     We were blessed with yet another sunny day for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day. Captain Mike and I headed out again with a great group of guests and looked northward for exciting wildlife in the San Juan archipelago. We first stopped at Green Point on Spieden Island and looked at a large group of Steller Sea Lions rafting and swimming in the strong current streaming off of the point. This...

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