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Chilling Stellar Sea Lions

Raging Seabird Party, or Bait Ball? Also, Chilling Sea Lions

Whoa, Friday Harbor! Are we getting a heat wave or what? Nothing beats summer here in the Pacific Northwest. Dry heat, and out here on the San Juan Islands, it typically doesn't rise above 72 degrees during the day. But the winds have shifted for a few days, and we've been getting some beautiful warm air blowing down from the north, bringing the temps up to about 85! Needless to say, it was beautiful out on the water, with barely a need to put on a jacket out on the water! While we...


When the Transients Come to Play

You know those moments in life that absolutely take your breath away? We certainly experienced some of those today on our two whale watch tours on the M/V Sea Lion. Transient killer whales, the mammal-eaters who we encounter frequently in the Salish Sea, were spotted near East Point in the Strait of Georgia, and we were lucky enought to witness three families meeting up and socializing. It was breathtaking, as they seemed to be moving in tight formations, greeting each other while...

Humpback whale fluke

Breach Day Saturday

Whales, whales, whales...we have a marvelously diverse marine ecosystem out here, but of course, sometimes we get to encounter the biggest marine mammals of all. Humpbacks, minkes, killer whales, gray whales...each day brings new sightings and new experiences! Sea Lion was up and running, ready for her two trips on this wonderful Saturday afternoon. Pulling out of Friday Harbor with the breeze tugging at our hair and sleeves, there was a feeling of anticipation and the taste of...

Orca breaching

Orcas Learning from Orcas

Hello, It’s me... again, and yes I’m sorry but not sorry I’m going to talk about salmon and their connection to Southern Resident Orcas again. Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) eat fish and 80% of their diet is one species of fish: Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and yes before you ask they definitely tell the difference. It’s probably not because of their refined palate, but perhaps, it’s more likely due to their incredible echolocation abilities to determine between...


It's a Humpback Fiesta!

Today was one of those days where you look out at the water and think, "Wow, the world is magical." The temperature was perfect, a light breeze was blowing through Roche Harbor, and there was barely a white puff in the sky. As Captain Pete and I prepared the boat for our whale watches, I could sense the feeling of peace that the San Juan Islands bring to residents and guests alike. After our passengers boarded, we headed out of the harbor, ready for whatever came our way. With some...


When You Come Across Minke Dinner Time...

M/V Kestrel has the day's reports! Today, we got to see two very interesting species of baleen whale, one a bit uncommon and the other fairly elusive. Because the Salish Sea offers the chance to see an abundance of wildlife, we never know what we're going to see out here - but days like today are an extra special cherry on top to an already epic whale season! 

Have you heard of the minke whale? This small member of the rorqual family is not typically at the top of everybody's list...


West Side, Best Side - Ressies off of County Park

Days like today are basically a dream come true - residents and transients were spotted on our whale watch. Our adventures always keep us guessing, but each and every day is magical out here. We're in the San Juan Islands, after all! M/V Kestrel was all shined up and ready for a trip out to the Salish Sea, waiting patiently at the dock before all of the passengers were boarded and off she zipped! Gracefully flying over the surface of the water at about 30 knots, we headed north out...


Defying the Odds - Meet Onyx

Orcas – no secret – are amazing animals that constantly leave us in awe, with powerful cognitive abilities and massive brains that house extraordinary intelligence. Sometimes, we can’t help but feel an intense connection and sense of understanding with these amazing black and white mammals that swim through the waters of the Salish Sea. As highly social animals, they remain in very tight-knit family groups, learn constantly from each other, practice cooperative hunting and food...


Ooooh Those Frisky Orcas!

The beauty of the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea really shone through today, with the sun beaming overhead, bald eagles soaring every which way you looked, and plenty of miraculous killer whales to get excited over. Today we watched some frisky transient orcas that were hanging out only a quick cruise north of Friday Harbor, a bit to the east of Spieden Island. It was absolutely incredible! We came upon two pods of transients that had just that morning come together and were...

Humpback Whale

Those Royal Rorquals

Ever heard of a rorqual? Try saying that word ten times fast! Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, and even include the largest known mammal on Earth, the blue whale (those fellas can reach up to 200 tons - WOW). But what exactly is a baleen whale? There's some basic facts that can help you organize your thought process when you're comparing an odontocete (toothed whale) with a mysticete (baleen whale). Mysticetes have two blowholes. They're filter feeders. And they can...

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