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Bigg's Killer Whales South of San Juan Island

Salmon Bank Socializing of Bigg's Killer Whales

Olivia | M/V Osprey | June 24th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Starting off in search of whales, we always make sure to look where their food is. This means areas of upwelling or currents that are stirring up nutrients attracting small bait fish. This bait fish attracts Harbor Porpoise, Harbor Seals, and Baleen Whales. All of these mammals attract our primary population of orcas- the Bigg’s Killer Whales. Scanning these “hot spots” are like checking out all the mini buffets and gives us an...


Salmon Bank Socializing of Bigg's Killer Whales

Olivia | M/V Osprey | June 24th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Starting off in search of whales, we always make sure to look where their food is. This means areas of upwelling or currents that are stirring up nutrients attracting small bait fish. This bait fish attracts Harbor Porpoise, Harbor Seals, and Baleen Whales. All of these mammals attract our primary population of orcas- the Bigg’s Killer Whales. Scanning these “hot spots” are like checking out all the mini buffets and gives us an...

Bigg's Killer Whales South of San Juan Island

Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales Feed off False Bay

Olivia | M/V Osprey | June 16th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Another clear day graced us with the presence of Mount Rainier beaming high atop the Puget Sound to the south. We set off with the volcano guiding our way, passing Harbor Porpoises swimming outside Upright Channel. Passing Cattle Point Lighthouse and keeping it on our starboard side, we continued around Salmon Bank aiming for False Bay off San Juan Island. 

Not only did we catch a Bald Eagle chasing after a Rhinoceros Auklet upon...

Gray Whale near D'Arcy Island

Baleen Madness; Gray Whale Flukes South towards a Stinky Minke Whale

Olivia | M/V Osprey | June 12th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Every day is a complete surprise on where we travel around the Salish Sea depending on where whales and wildlife are being spotted. That means, often we head off in one direction and end up turning a different way. Today was one of those days where we initially pointed south down San Juan Channel and immediately got a report of a Gray Whale picked up just north of Friday Harbor. By the time we got on scene, the baleen whale was on the...

Gray Whale in Salish Sea

Surprise Gray Whale Fluking Near Cattle Point Lighthouse

Olivia | M/V Osprey | May 29th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Kicking off Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, we left the dock with Koma Kulshan (Mount Baker) standing tall on the blue horizon as the water below sparkled in the mid-morning sun. Captain Gabe decided to start our adventures south through San Juan Channel. With the glassy water laid out in front of us, it made our ventures easy to spot Harbor Porpoise surfacing for a warm breath of air. These chocolate chip dorsal fins really stand out...

Bigg's Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

Bigg's Killer Whales Hang Outside of Friday Harbor

Olivia | April 18th, 2021 | M/V Kestrel | 14:00

It felt great to get back out on my first M/V Kestrel trip of the season with Captain Brian, especially since it was warm, calm, AND sunny around the islands. We started the trip with a great group of people excited to get out and see what the Salish Sea had to offer. We departed the dock by heading south towards Cattle Point, stopping mid channel to view a giant bait ball with lots of bird action including a variety of gulls...

Gray Whale near D'Arcy Island

Gray Whale Flukes in Salmon Bank

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | April 12th, 2021 | 13:00

What a clear day in the San Juan Islands! Not only could we see Koma Kulshan (Mount Baker) standing tall from the North Cascades, but we could also see Tahoma (Mount Rainier) to the south! You know it is a special day in the Salish Sea when both volcanoes are making an appearance. Starting off the trip, Captain Sarah took us south through San Juan Channel passing heaps of Rhinoceros Auklets. On the southern side of Salmon Bank, we...

Bigg's Killer Whales Visit Stuart Island

Bigg's Killer Whale Family Hangs at Hein Bank

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | September 8th, 2020 | 13:00

Leaving the dock today, we did not let the smoke tear down our spirits as we headed south through San Juan Channel. Reaching Cattle Pass, we heard rumors of Bigg’s Killer Whales southwest of Hein Bank and decided to aim there with our best chances of showing our guests something black and white in the water. Our entire way there we were spotting Harbor Seals and Harbor Porpoise swimming between the shallow Salmon and Hein Banks.


Bigg's Killer Whales in Strait of Juan de Fuca

Bigg's Killer Whales Travel Across the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | September 4th, 2020 | 13:30

Leaving the dock, we were lucky enough to receive some whale rumors far south in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Attempting to give our passengers the best possibility of seeing whales, we decided to follow this rumor and head straight south. Coming up on the eastern side of Hein Bank, we spotted SIX black dorsal fins! These whales were initially by Smith Island and traveled west our entire trek south through the calm waters.


Southern Resident Killer Whales Swim San Juan Island

A Memorable Southern Resident Killer Whale Experience

Olivia | M/V Kestrel | September 3rd, 2020 | 14:00

Every day feels unique and special with the mass diversity we have in the Salish Sea; however, some days stand out a bit more. A cloudless day, glassy seas, and Mount Baker standing sharp over the islands set the tone for a memorable day. Briefly stopping at Whale Rocks, we watched and listened to Steller’s Sea Lions bellow across the water and roll in the kelp bed. A few Harbor Seals sat quietly in banana pose looking towards the...

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