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Circumnavigation of San Juan Island to see Minke Whales and Humpback Whales!

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | July 9, 2022 | 12:30 pm


This summer is proving to be a successful time to view wildlife, and today we were able to see two of our largest marine mammals found in the Salish Sea! As we departed from Friday Harbor, we first headed south to begin our search. Making our way through Cattle Pass, we could hear roaring Steller’s Sea Lions and squawking Pelagic Cormorants and Gulls atop Whale Rocks. We continued south towards a shallow area known as Salmon Bank where...


Memorial Day Weekend Orcas and Humpbacks in Canada!!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/29/2022 2:00pm

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Today was such a special day out in the Salish Sea.

Captain Eric and I greeted out guests and headed out of Friday Harbor towards the north. We cruised past Orcas Island and Waldron Island then across into Canadian waters.

As we saw the city of Vancouver in the distance, we spotted the Orca whales! Swimming speedily through the deep green waters, 9 Transient (Bigg’s) orca whales seemed to be headed towards Saturna...

Humpback Whale Breaching

Humpback Whale Calf Breaches in the Gulf

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | May 23rd, 2022 | 12:30pm

The Pacific Northwest decided to pull one of her most cliché moves by raining on a day that didn’t call for it; but off we went with happy faces ready for whatever the day brought. Heading north, we stopped at Flattop Island admiring heaps of Pigeon Guillemots with their red feet bold against the green water. Nearby we found several Harbor Seals swimming along the basalt rock as well as an adult Bald Eagle stoically looking across the...


Humpbacks Big Mama and Calf Playing in the Haro Strait!

Laura / M/V Sea Lion / 5/20/2022 / 12:30PM

This afternoon was the first hint of summer in the Salish Sea!  We headed northbound on M/V Sea Lion and had our first bald eagle encounter of the day near the Cactus Islands.  We slowly cruised through this area soaking up the blue skies and sunshine and calm green water.  The channels were all combining in this area, creating a whirlpool effect.  Our harbor seals moved in and out of the kelp beds and hoisted their bodies on nearby rocks to...


A Mother’s Day Celebration with Humpback Whale “Big Mama”

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 5.8.2022 | 12:30 PM It was beautiful out on this Mother’s Day morning, with sunny skies and calm seas. We left Friday Harbor with no set plan but with knowledge of a humpback whale to the north, near Mayne Island. Although doable on M/V Sea Lion, a trip to Mayne is quite the haul, and the humpback was heading even further northwest. We decided to go for it, but had our fingers crossed that some other marine mammal would pop up along the way.   As our...
Bigg's Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

Three Families of Bigg's Killer Whales and Surprise Humpback Whales!

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | May 6th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Leaving the dock at the start of a trip is not only normal for the shoulder season, but for peak season as well. With no whales tagged in these waters, everything is found on visual sight. Today we left the dock and decided to take a chance heading north while other vessels in the Pacific Whale Watch Association were searching down south. This worked in our favor because about 20 minutes into our trip, another vessel spotted not one...


Humpback Whale “Big Mama” and her breaching calf!

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 5.3.2022 | 12:30 PM

M/V Sea Lion had a small group today, only 9 passengers were aboard as we puttered out of Friday Harbor. I was beyond delighted to hear that the infamous “Big Mama” was back in the Salish Sea, and that we may see her out on our trip today. Seeing “Big Mama” is a treat in itself, but we got some exciting news yesterday… “Big Mama” was not only back in town, but she had a new calf with her!

Once we got word that “Big Mama” and calf were...


Sunset with Humpback Whales!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/03/2021 5:30pm

What a beautiful day out on the water!

Naturalist Laura, Haleigh and I headed out of the harbor and headed north through San Juan Channel. We looked and looked for any signs of blows or fins when all of a sudden we hear guests shouting "blow!!" We look towards shore and sure enough there was a whale!

We slowly approached and watched as the massive whale surfaced. It was a Humpback Whale! Then, suddenly a second blow surfaced right next to the...


Spectacular Orca Hunting Encounter Near Anacortes!

Jordan |m/v Kestrel |07/08/2021| 2:00pm

Today was definitely one of my favorite trips of the season. Just want to start by saying thank you to all my wonderful guests! Your passion and intrigue made the trip even better!

The day began as Captain Eric and I headed East out of Friday Harbor, in between Blakely Island and Decatur and then out towards Anacortes. We sped past Anacortes and around Guemes Island. Here, we found Orcas!

We shortly identified them as the T34s and T37s! These...

Lone Bigg's Killer Whale

Lone Bigg's Killer Whale Travels North of Mum and Calf Humpback Whales

Olivia | M/V Osprey | June 13th, 2021 | 12:30pm 

It was a rainy day leaving the dock. We could smell it in the air even if we could not feel it on our skins just yet. One thing I’ve learned is that being in nature feeling all the elements in addition to watching wild animals go about their day, is an entirely different feeling that is truly something special. That is exactly what we got this Sunday afternoon. While there was a Humpback Whale and calf duo in Spieden Channel just north...

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