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pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Spring Showers Brings March.. Whales

Olivia Esqueda | March 25th, 2025 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

Today was truly such a fun time out on the water, despite the rain! We had nearly a full boat of passengers all ready to go out and see what the day brings. Starting out our travels, we headed northwest through Spieden Channel and eventually crossing the Haro Strait into Sidney Channel. Right as the rain started to pick up, we spotted two groups of two orcas, all part of the same family, the T069’s. This matriline of Bigg’s Killer Whales...

pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Last Minute Bigg's Killer Whales Inner Island!

Olivia Esqueda | Friday, March 14th, 2025 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

This was the first tour of the year for both me and Captain Gabe, and it was definitely an exciting one! We started off the trip by heading north through San Juan Channel, where there has been an increase of whale activity over the past few days. Right away we were spotting many different birds including Pelagic Cormorants, Common Murres, Harlequin Ducks, Rhinoceros Auklets, and many, many more! Most notably, we saw at least a...

pc: Lauren Tschirhart, San Juan Safaris

First Tour of the Season Brings Surprise Whales!

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | March 10th, 2024 | 12:30pm

Excitement was in the air as we left the harbor on our first tour of the 2025 season! The sky was an overcast grey but at least the forecasted rain was holding off. No whale reports just yet…so we were fully in scanning mode. Our first wildlife encounter was almost instantaneous. A bald eagle soaring overhead suddenly took a nosedive entrapping an unlucky fish in its talons. Gulls swarmed around the commotion as the massive raptor flew off and...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Bigg’s Killer Whales and Bow Riding Dall’s Porpoise!

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | October 25, 2024 | 12:30 pm

One of my favorite things about San Juan Island at this time of year is the crisp fall air and the occasional crystal-clear skies. Yesterday was one of those days, where even Mount Rainer was shining as far as the eye could see. The morning whale reports were abundant… everywhere BUT in the inland waters around Friday Harbor. Captain Eric and I prepared the M/V Sea Lion for our long voyage ahead and set sail. We took a right out of Friday Harbor...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Infamous Bigg's Killer Whale Matriline Visits the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Olivia Esqueda | M/V Sea Lion | September 28th, 2024| 12:30pm

Saturday out on the water was SO fun! We headed south through San Juan Channel making a brief stop at Goose Island where we saw Harbor Seals, Double Crested Cormorants and Pelagic Cormorants before passing Cattle Point Lighthouse and exploring the Strait of Juan de Fuca. After transiting past heaps of Surf Scoters, we came across a large bait ball where we were able to see one of the few Minke Whales in the Salish Sea. However, we...

pc: Maxx Kinert, San Juan Safaris

Bigg’s Killer Whale T049C/Nielson swims right through Friday Harbor!

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | September 21st, 2024 | 2:00 pm

The T049 matriline owned the inter-island zone today. Reports were coming in with members from this famous family along multiple sides of Lopez Island. T049C was headed north in San Juan Channel, T049A1 was heading south in Rosario Strait and the rest of the T049A1’s (minus T049A2/Jude) were hanging out in Thatcher Pass! Captain Eric and I were excited to get on the water for this T049 family affair, but where to begin? T049C/Nielson made that...

pc: Lauren Tschirhart, San Juan Safaris

Cetaceans, Pinnipeds and even a Mustelid! Feat. Bigg’s Killer Whale T49C/Nielson

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | September 18th, 2024 | 2:00 pm


Our 2:00 pm Kestrel tour was a perfectly well-rounded wildlife tour. We often see different species of whales and wildlife out on the water, but to see as much as we did today is rare. We saw species from three of the five major categories of marine mammals: cetaceans, pinnipeds and even a mustelid! We started our tour by heading south in San Juan Channel. Our first stop was to search the kelp bed off Turn Island for a rumored sea otter. Sea...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Bigg’s Boys: Killer Whale Travel Buddies

Olivia Ellman | M/V Sea Lion | September 17th, 2024 | 12:30 pm

Our Classic Whale Watch felt like Fall as we left Friday Harbor in overcast and cooler weather, but that certainly didn’t deter us from having a great day on the water! We left the dock and headed north, following up on a report of some killer whales. We traveled up San Juan Channel, following the western side of Orcas Island heading towards Patos Island. After a look at Patos Lighthouse, we rounded the corner and saw a few other...

pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Transient Orcas and Minke Whales Thriving in the Foggy Strait of Juan de Fuca

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | September 3rd, 2024 | 12:30pm

We are officially running our daily classic tours aboard M/V Sea Lion which tends to be a favorite vessel of our naturalist staff. Starting off the day, it sure felt like fall as we headed south into the fog. After a brief stop at Goose Island to check out some Harbor Seals thermoregulating on the shoreline, Double Crested Cormorants nesting on top of the island, and Pelagic Cormorants drying out their wings, we headed into the Strait of Juan...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Killer Whales on the Canadian Border

Olivia Ellman | M/V Kestrel | September 1st, 2024 | 10:00 am

Today’s morning adventure whale watch started the month off with another great trip! As one of the first boats out on the water, we began our trip in full search mode with a few rumors to the north. We traveled up San Juan Channel, stopping to view a group of harbor seals hauled out on a small island and harbor porpoises swimming nearby. This is always a great sign of our productive ecosystem, and made us even more excited at the chance...

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