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A Feeding Humpback Whale at Sunset

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | July 2, 2022 | 5:30 pm

Today was a beautiful day out in the Salish Sea. We felt the winds as we passed through the chunky waters of Cattle Pass. We crossed the Strait of Juan de Fuca heading towards a report of a Humpback Whale that had spent its day feeding south of Lopez Island. We all felt the rolls of the boat, giving us the impression that we were out in open waters! It’s incredible to feel the power of the wind mixed with a high flood. As we slowly...


Humpback "Fallen Knight" Sighting Outside of Friday Harbor

We began our journey today heading south down San Juan Channel. We observed some Harbor Seals hauled out along the shoreline of San Juan Island. These pinnipeds come in varying colors and can also frequently have speckles across their bodies. Not long afterwards we came across another pinniped that lives here in the Salish Sea, the Steller Sea Lion! Hauled up on Whale Rocks we found over a dozen of these mammals above the water line thermoregulating. This was a great way for us to...


Humpback Whale and Pinkus Flamingus

July 1st, 2022

Abby Dahl

12:30pm Osprey

We left the dock on a beautiful, cloudy Friday afternoon. There had not been any whale sightings yet for the day, so we strapped on our binos and kept an eye out for anything remotely whale-like. We cruised north through San Juan Channels potting harbor seals and bald eagles. After some time, we were notified that a humpback whale known as BCX0915, better known as “Fallen Knight” was nearby, on the west side of Orcas Island.

We had some great...

Killer Whales traveling

A Day of Bigg's Killer Whales around the Salish Sea

10:00 am


Today’s adventure tour started out as a shockingly hot morning on land. Our guests, and myself, were eager to zip around on the water and cool off. We departed from Friday Harbor scanning the exposed shorelines due to the low tides hoping to find some Harbor Seals. We came across a reef nearby Yellow Island with some curious Harbor Seals hauled out and a Bald Eagle watching from the reef marker. We made our way around the island and across San Juan Channel where we found a...


Bigg's Killer Whales Celebrate a Hunt Near Friday Harbor

Elle | M/V Sea Lion | June 25, 2022 | 2:00PM

This Saturday, lead naturalist Laura, Captain Gabe and I were excited to get out on the water and see what we could see. Before we even left the dock, we saw two bald eagles, one adult and one juvenile circling above us. As we cruised out of Roche Harbor, we got a report from other members of the Pacific Whale Watch Association that there were Bigg’s Killer Whales near Friday Harbor. We found the orcas just south of Friday Harbor. The T65A...


Orca Headstands, Hunting and Humpbacks - Oh My!







We headed southeast through Lopez Sound and Thatcher Pass to Cypress Island, where we’d gotten word of a humpback surfacing nearly 200 yards from the south coast of the island. Humpbacks are baleen whales and they migrate to the Salish Sea each summer to their feeding grounds. Our highly productive waters bring a wide variety of small schooling fish, such as herring, mackerel and sand lance, that these humpbacks will eat up to 3,000 pounds of every day...


Bigg's Killer Whales at Turn Point Lighthouse

Elle | M/V Osprey | June 23, 2022 |12:30PM

Today we had a beautiful day out on the Salish Sea. It was sunny and warm with calm seas and very little wind. We started the day with reports of a family of Bigg’s killer whales just north of John’s Pass in the San Juan Channel. We arrived at the family, which we later identified as the T123s, just off of Stuart Island and cruised alongside Sydney (T123), Stanley (T123A), Lucky (T123C), and Darcy (T123D), as they headed northwest together...

Humpback Tail Fluke

Successfull Search for Humpbacks & A Bald Eagle Frenzy

Kelly | M/V Kestrel | 6.16.21 | 10:00am |
When we left the dock on the M/V Kestrel there was a whopping total of 0 whale reports. This is not completely unusual for our 10am departure time. This early, there are only a small number of whale watch boats out on the water searching for wildlife. Captain Michael and I decided to head north toward Saturna island. In the past few days this area has been a consistent hot spot for humpback whales, so we figured it was our best bet.
On our...


Humpbacks Near Saturna Island

June 16th, 2022

Abby Dahl

12:30pm Osprey

Gabe, Maxx, Helena and I took to the water as we wrestled the current coming out of Friday Harbor. Bald eagles sat perched in the tree tops at Friday Harbor Labs, and the water shimmered an emerald green. We stopped at Flattop Island on our cruise north, rumors of humpback whales in almost the same place we left them the day before; same individuals too.

We took photos and watched the harbor seals roll around the rocky shoreline, many of them...


Humpback, Harbor Seals, Pelicans Oh My!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/04//2022 2:00pm

The weathermen lied to us…it was scheduled to be pouring rain during our tour but as we gathered our guests and headed out to sea, the sun was shining brightly.

Heading north through the San Juan Channel and around the northern point of San Juan Island, we stopped by a little island filled with harbor seals! The “rock sausages” flopped around and played in the water. Shortly after, we made it to the Haro Straight where we found a humpback...

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