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M/V Kestrel underneath Deception Pass Bridge

Orcas in Saratoga Passage | 09/21/2018 | 01:00pm

Sarah | 09/21/2018 | M/V Kestrel | 01:00pm

We had an amazing day on the water, traveling further south than Captain Mike and I had ever taken one of our boats before, and most importantly, saw killer whales! When we left Friday Harbor we had no reports of killer whales in the area, but days on the water can change moment by moment.

Leaving Friday Harbor, our plan was originally to head north past Shaw and Orcas Islands, up towards the Canadian Gulf Islands. When we have no reports...

Southern Resident Killer Whale

Minke whale and orcas too! | 09/20/2018 | 12:00pm

Sarah | M/V Sea Lion | 09/20/2018 | 02:00pm


Today we enjoyed an amazing trip spent surrounded by wildlife and the beautiful scenery of the San Juan Islands. Even though we had a bit of rain throughout the day it did not deter our sightings!

We left Friday harbor and headed across San Juan Channel towards Shaw Island. Someone had reported a possible whale tucked into one of the many coves along the shoreline. Half way across the channel… POOF! A minke whale materialized out of the...


J pod and K pod orcas fish in Strait of Georgia [Saturday, 9/15/18, M/V Kestrel, 10:00]

[Saturday, 9/15/18, M/V Kestrel, 10:00]


On Saturday, Captain Gabe and I took a great group out on a cloudy morning to go look for some amazing wildlife. We headed up north. We went through San Juan Channel and up past East Point towards the Strait of Georgia. Here, in between Saturna Island and Point Roberts we started to see some blows in the distance. We slowed down and approached these whales we could see that they were members of the Southern Resident Killer Whale Community...

San Juan Island Orca Whale Watching

J pod Orcas Fish at False Bay [Naturalist Erick - 9/9/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Noon]


This Sunday in September sure felt like fall. Capt Gabe, Jordan, and myself headed out with a great group of passengers into the rainy blue Salish Sea. Most people visit this area in the summer, which is beautiful here. The temperature is usually super pleasant, the sun is up for a very long time, and there is usually not a rain cloud to speak of. The rest of the year though, it looks like it did today - very misty, cool, breezy, and rainy. We ventured off into the Pacific...


Bigg's Orcas Hunt Seals in the Strait of Georgia [Friday, 9/7/18, M/V Kestrel]

[Friday, 9/7/18, M/V Kestrel]

On Friday, Captain Mike and I took a group out to look for some amazing wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed north towards the outer islands of the San Juan Islands. As we cruised north we saw a lot of Harbor Porpoises darting through the eddies around Green Point. Next, we headed further north. We headed around East Point where there is a a large number of pinnipeds! Pinnipeds are the seals, sea lions, and walruses of the world. Here we only have seals...

Killer whales

Orcas all around Friday Harbor, San Juan Island | Monday, September 03, 2018 | 02:00pm

[Sarah | 09/03/2018 | M/V Kestrel | 02:00pm]

Yesterday’s Adventure Whale Watch was a great reminder of why I love September so much out here in the San Juans. We had so much wildlife to look for and had great encounters with whales!

We started our afternoon heading north out of Friday Harbor through San Juan Channel. We pointed for a few wildlife hot spots at Green Point on Spieden Island and then around Sentinel Island. We found harbor porpoises, harbor seals, and even some bald...

Bigg's killer whales

Orcas Abound in the San Juans | Saturday, September 1, 2018 | 10:00am & 02:00pm

[Sarah | M/V Kestrel | 09/01/2018 | 10:00am & 02:00pm]


September is here!! My favorite month in the San Juan Islands!! Saturday’s tours on Kestrel did not disappoint, with great wildlife sightings on both tours.


10:00am Adventure Tour

On our morning departure we left the harbor and headed north towards an early report of orcas pushing north. As we crossed Boundary Pass we were treated to sweeping views before we crossed the border and entered the (equally beautiful) Canadian Gulf...


Transient Orcas hunting close to shore in Rosario Strait [Friday, 8/17/18, M/V Kestrel]

[Friday, 8/17/18, M/V Kestrel]


On Friday, Captain Mike and I took Kestrel out for two trips with great folks on each one. On M/V Kestrel we go extremely fast so we can cover lots of water to look for the coolest wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed out and on our first trip we ended up on the east side of Orcas Island in Rosario Strait. It was a group of Transient Orcas (Killer Whales)! We also call this type Bigg’s Orcas. They are the type of Orcas that we see in the inland sea...


Smokey Whale Watch| 8/14/18| 2:00PM

Leaving the harbor on Kestrel with a full boat of excited guests and my very own brother aboard for the first time! We even had some repeat guests whom I️ had taken out last time and had no luck with, so we were even more excited to see whales today. There were already reports of killer whales by Heinz bank south of San Juan island. These killer whales were two different families of transients traveling together, including the T65As who have graced us with their presence all summer!...

Bigg's Orcas

Family Time by East Point | Transient Orca Families T124A's and T36A's

Erick | 7/8/18 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30PM


This Sunday, Captain Mike, Rachel and myself took a great big group of folks out on M/V Sea Lion. We headed north through San Juan Channel and headed around Waldron Island and across Boundary Pass. We passed East Point on Saturna Island and as we continued into the Strait of Georgia we began to see blows in the distance. As we approached we could see that it was a pod of orcas! And as we spent more time with them we saw that they were...

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