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Happy Easter! Here's Two Types of Orcas! - J pod in Boundary Pass and T65A's in San Juan Channel

Erick | Sunday, April 21, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00

Happy Easter everyone! Today we had a fantastic trip. Captain Pete, Ryder, and I headed out with a full boat on a beautiful sunny day! He headed north through San Juan Channel and then through President Channel following up on a report of orcas near Sucia and Matia Islands just north of Orcas Island. Once we got nearer to Sucia and Patos Islands we started to see the blows! We soon identified them as part of J pod! J pod, probably...

Bigg's Orcas

Happy Earth Day! T65A and Her Orca Family Jump Around Turn Point!

Erick | Saturday, April, 20, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 

Happy Earth Day! 

This was a sunny Earth Day out in the San Juan Islands. Captain Pete, Alex, and myself took a large group out to celebrate the day and find some other great denizens of Earth out there. We headed north through San Juan Channel and into President Channel where we had a few Bald Eagles soar above us. After we passed Waldron Island we stopped by Bare Island to look at the Harbor Seals that were trying to escape...

T077A Male killer whale

Another day with T077A! Lone Male Killer Whale spotted around the San Juan Islands

[Sarah | 04/14/2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm]

Today was a stark difference to yesterday’s stormy weather. We had high clouds and some rain squalls rolling through the area, but the strong west wind had disappointed a bit. Leaving just some residual breeze. Captains Erick and Brian and I decided to head north of Friday Harbor towards Canadian waters to search for some wildlife. We shot north to put ourselves in prime position in nutrient-laden waters with other whale watching boats...

young Bigg's Orca breaches

Bigg's Orca Whales Hunt and Party in Boundary Pass: The T49A's Breach like Crazy!

Erick | Sunday, March 24, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 

Listen to the Bigg's Orca Vocals we recorded this day here



Yet another day of beautiful sunny weather today. Captain Mike and I took a pretty large group of folks out on M/V Sea Lin to look for some marine wildlife in the San Juan Islands. We left Friday Harbor and headed north towards the northern edge of the islands. We made our first stop at Flattop Island. This whole island is a nature preserve and it is a perfect spot to...

Bigg's orcas

Bigg's Orca family right outside Friday Harbor: The T2C's travel around

Erick | Monday, March 18, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 12:00 


Spring is here! On this warm and sunny day Captain Brian and I took a great small group out on Kestrel to see what wildlife was out enjoying the sunshine too. We headed out of Friday Harbor and almost saw blows immediately! They were right off the shore of Brown Island. We approached this group of whales and soon saw that they were Bigg’s Orcas. Orcas aka Killer Whales are divided into different ‘ecotypes’. These ecotypes are...

Bigg's male orca

A Sunny Tour around the Gulf and San Juan Islands: The T137 Bigg's Orcas hunt among the islands

Erick | Sunday, March 10, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 


Today we were fortunate enough to have another beautiful, sunny day. Captain Mike and I headed out with a small crew to search for the whales and other wildlife of the Salish Sea. We first dipped a little bit south around Turn Island to scan around Griffin Bay. Here, we saw a wonderful Bald Eagle perched high up in a gnarled Douglas Fir. Underneath him amidst the glassy upwelling next to Turn Island we saw a few young Harbor...

Male Steller Sea Lion

Snow Falling on an Island-Filled Sea: Watching Salish Sea Wildlife Have a Snow Day


Erick | Wednesday, March 6, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 

This Wednesday, Capt. Brian and I took a small group out on a brisk, cloudy day. It looks like this year winter is sticking around a little bit longer in Washington State. We were on the search for some local wildlife among the many islands of the San Juan Archipelago. We started north into a slight breeze from the northeast and traced our way up through San Juan Channel. We searched from Friday Harbor up through and into...

Southern Resident Orcas of J pod

Wildlife Winter Wonderland: J pod Orcas spotted in Haro Strait!

Erick | February 23, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | Noon

As the short month of February approaches its end we do our last weekend-only trips from Friday Harbor. Once March starts we will be starting daily trips aboard M/V Sea Lion departing from Friday Harbor at noon. This Saturday, Captain Mike and I had a wonderful trip with a very small group of passengers. I think folks were afraid of the cold so it ended up being only two hardy folks aboard wanting to go out and see what was out there in...


Two Transient Orca Families Hunt in Haro Strait [Saturday, 10/6/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Erick]

[Saturday, 10/6/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Erick]


This Saturday, Captain Mike, Rachel, and I took a full crew of passengers out on M/V Sea Lion on a beautiful fall day! We headed out on this sunny afternoon and started going south. We made our first stop at Turn Rocks just on the other side of Turn Island. Here we saw our first marine mammals, some Harbor Seals! There was a bunch of them sunning themselves on the rocks. These little rock sausages are so adorable and sleepily looked back...


T123 family of Transient Orcas Travels in the Strait [Thursday 10/4/18]

[M/V Sea Lion Noon Thursday 10/4/18]

Since it is October there are less trips, crisp breezes, and great fall weather. Captain Mike, Alexandria, and I took a great, full boat out with us on M/V Sea Lion. Today was bright and crisp. We headed south against the tide and went through Cattle Pass. We passed Cattle Point Lighthouse and headed southwest past Salmon Bank and pointed towards Hein Bank down in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. As we approached the bank we started to see blows off in...

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