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pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Last Minute Bigg's Killer Whales Inner Island!

Olivia Esqueda | Friday, March 14th, 2025 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

This was the first tour of the year for both me and Captain Gabe, and it was definitely an exciting one! We started off the trip by heading north through San Juan Channel, where there has been an increase of whale activity over the past few days. Right away we were spotting many different birds including Pelagic Cormorants, Common Murres, Harlequin Ducks, Rhinoceros Auklets, and many, many more! Most notably, we saw at least a...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Infamous Bigg's Killer Whale Matriline Visits the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Olivia Esqueda | M/V Sea Lion | September 28th, 2024| 12:30pm

Saturday out on the water was SO fun! We headed south through San Juan Channel making a brief stop at Goose Island where we saw Harbor Seals, Double Crested Cormorants and Pelagic Cormorants before passing Cattle Point Lighthouse and exploring the Strait of Juan de Fuca. After transiting past heaps of Surf Scoters, we came across a large bait ball where we were able to see one of the few Minke Whales in the Salish Sea. However, we...


Two Minke Whales, Two Killer Whales and TONS of Tufted Puffins in the Juan de Fuca

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 8/16/2022 | 2:00 PM 

It’s not uncommon for us to begin our trip with zero whale reports, and today was no exception. We always tell our guests that every single day, at every single hour we essentially “start over.” That’s because none of the whales in the Salish Sea are tagged, and we don’t use any type of sonar to find them. We are a part of the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), which is a private network that works organically off eye sighting reports...


A Slinky Minke and Jolly Humpback Whale

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | August 11, 2022 | 12:30 pm


For Thursday’s classic whale watch tour, we departed southbound to scan the open waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to find any whales and wildlife lurking about. Our search began scanning the shallow banks where nutrients pool at the surface due to topographically-associated upwelling. As the nutrients collect near the sunlight, photosynthesis occurs sparking massive phytoplankton blooms. What comes afterward is a reaction...

Bigg's Killer Whales traveling

Surprise Bigg’s Killer Whales in the Juan De Fuca

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 07/12/2021 | 2:00pm


Captain Sarah and I decided to head south this afternoon, trying our luck in finding whales off the various banks that rise up in the Juan De Fuca. After passing Goose Island to admire some nesting Pelagic Cormorants we continued out of the San Juan Channel. 

We then slowed over Salmon Bank at our first baitball, gulls and Rhinoceros Auklets flocking tightly over an unseen ball of fish below. The anticipation built as we waited, hoping...

Minke Whale feeding

Feeding Frenzy with 4 Minke Whales, Harbor Seals, and Pelagic Birds!

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | June 28, 2021 | 2:00pm


Given today was one of the hottest days on San Juan Island, our boat full of passengers stoked to be on the water. The cool breeze hit us as we left Friday Harbor and the chill set in as we traveled southbound through San Juan Channel, passing harbor porpoise along the way. Entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca felt like an entirely new land. It was more than 30 degrees cooler and the hazy sky blurred all of the distinguishing features...


Springtime Animals in April

[Sunday, 4/29/18 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00 – Naturalist Erick]


This Sunday we Captain Mike and myself journeyed into the spring mist covering the San Juans. With us, we brought along a great group of folks aboard the M/V Sea Lion. We headed north through San Juan Channel and made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here there is a colony of mostly adult, male Steller Sea Lions. Every day they take up different positions on this rocky point, I assume, mostly due to the...


Wildlife Galore in the Salish Sea

[8/15/17- M/V Sea Lion- Kelsey, Naturalist- 5:30PM]

Some days, whales are juuuust out of reach from us, and that is okay! We understand that the animals we are searching for are wild, and orcas can actually swim 35 mph and travel up to 100 miles in a day! We always want to see whales, but we also have a great deal of other amazing wildlife that fills these islands in the Salish Sea that we want to share with travelers. We actually have 4 species of baleen whale, 2 species of dolphin...


One with the pod!

With early news of orca spottings, today’s tour headed north towards the U.S./Canadian international border.  Once we reached Turn Point we saw a few boats in the area and began our search. Within a quick ten minutes we had spotted two members of J-pod, our southern residents, and were able to follow them, watching them mill around and rise above the water's surface.

After about twenty minutes we moved on with our search and headed back southwest. It only took a couple hundred yards...

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