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Two Trips Watching Two Transient Pods in the Strait of Georgia | 07/08/2018 |10:00 & 2:00

Jordan | July 8, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 & 2:00 trips

For both trips today, Captain Gabe and I hopped on the Kestrel and booked it up north to find some whales!

On our first trip, the whales were far northwest within the Strait of Georgia so we boated as fast as possible towards that direction. Along the way, we found a huge pod of harbor porpoises! There were about fifty porpoises all around our boat! This rarely happens so it was great to witness. Once we reached the far depths...


Whales in the Strait of Georgia

This afternoon the Sea Lion made a long trek up into the Strait of Georgia where we encountered the T65A’s socializing.  We left Friday Harbor with reports of orcas near Point Roberts, not far from the city of Vancouver.  We journeyed our way up to that area and on the way we saw some harbor porpoise.  Once up in the strait we watched the whales as they appeared to be socializing, we even got to see one whale spyhop out of the water.  Because we went such a distance to be able to see...


Kestrel Travels North for Transient Orcas

Today was a gorgeous morning on M/V Kestrel!

We took to the waters this morning at 10am in search of whales!  Captain Mike had gotten a report of Transient Orcas up North near Tumbo Island!  Luckily Kestrel is a incredible vessel- the boat equivalent of a well bread race horse shall we say? Captain Mike and myself, along with our incredible guests were up for the adventure and we headed north! 

On our way we were treated to some adorable harbor porpoise views as they frolicked in San...


When the Transients Come to Play

You know those moments in life that absolutely take your breath away? We certainly experienced some of those today on our two whale watch tours on the M/V Sea Lion. Transient killer whales, the mammal-eaters who we encounter frequently in the Salish Sea, were spotted near East Point in the Strait of Georgia, and we were lucky enought to witness three families meeting up and socializing. It was breathtaking, as they seemed to be moving in tight formations, greeting each other while...


Saturna or Bust

What an adventure of a day out on Seahawk! We traversed waters that we don't typically get to venture out in, all due to beautiful weather conditions and exciting whale reports! On our morning trip, we ventured north and had the chance to view some harbor seals (our adorable little rock sausages as we call them here), the majestic bald eagle, and several little harbor porpoises playing all around our boat. So cute! The water was sparkling, the sun beaming, and the Salish Sea...


Word Travels Fast in the San Juan Islands...

By the time we reached the whales today, near Saturna Island (Canada), people had lined up along the shoreline waiting for their chance to see the Southern Residents. It was six members of Jpod slowly moving north in Boundary Pass headed for the Strait of Georgia (48°45.88N 123°04.69W). In the mix we found Hy’Shqa (J37) and her newborn J49, along with Grandma Samish (J14) and the 20 year-old orphan from Lpod, Onyx (L87).

The group appeared to be resting, staying fairly close to...


The Dall's

Today we headed out into the Georgia Strait where we had originally heard of a sighting of 3 transient orcas. Unfortunately as we got closer to the area, we were informed that the group had suddenly switched direction and were headed northwest at a high speed. There was no way our boat or any others from Friday Harbor could catch up with them so we aborted.

We then got news of some Dall’s Porpoise in Active Pass and were fortunate enough to catch up with them. It was a group of about...

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