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Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales Socializing near San Juan Island!

Piper | Sunday, August 4, 2019 | M/V Kittiwake | 11:00 AM

Today Captain Brian and I took some really awesome people out on the M/V Kittiwake to try to find some whales and wildlife! When we left the marina there were no whale sightings, so we decided to head south in San Juan Channel to do some searching of our own! On our way down the channel the radio came alive with a report of killer whales right where we were headed for the day!

We continued south and caught up with the orcas...


T65As Hunting in the Strait of Georgia!

Piper | Friday, August 2, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 PM

Heading out on our second tour for the day, Captain Gabe and I took some awesome people out into the Salish Sea! We left the marina in Friday Harbor and hung a left, up San Juan Channel and towards the north. We passed by a channel marker not too far from the harbor upon which sat a bald eagle! I’m certain he was using that post to scope out his next meal! We continued northeast through President Channel and up past Sucia Island...


Bigg's Killer Whales near Saturna Island!

Erin | M/V Kestrel | 11:00 AM | Monday, July 29, 2019

What an incredible day packed with wildlife in the Salish Sea! When we left Friday Harbor, the sun was shining and it was shaping up to be a gorgeous day. We headed north out of the harbor toward a report of orcas in Boundary Pass! The water was calm, and we were all excited to see wildlife. We stopped past White Rock, which is south of Waldron Island. It is an important wildlife refuge for pinnipeds and birds alike. We saw a lot...


Humpback in Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 07/27/19 | 11:00am

The sun shone brightly overhead as Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor. Upon speaking with other captains, we headed north towards Canadian waters.

We sped up north through the San Juan Channel and up around Speiden Island. Here we found a huge bald eagle! He perched in the tree balanced precariously among the branches. He surveyed the water for any fish to feed on or any birds to steal food from.

We also stopped by some...


Bigg's Killer Whales in the Haro and Bunches of Wildlife to Boot!

Piper | Sunday, July 21, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 PM

Today’s afternoon Classic tour aboard the M/V Sea Lion was crewed by Captain Pete, Jordan, and me! We had an awesome group of folks today with lots of families who asked some really great questions! We left the docks in Friday Harbor and headed north in San Juan Channel towards the top of San Juan Island, where we crossed to the west side of the island where a group of Bigg’s killer whales we reported to be hanging out!

When we...


Bigg's Orcas, Bonus Humpback, and Beautiful Bald Eagles!

Piper | Saturday, July 20, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00 AM

The Salish Sea was a veritable whale soup today as Captain Gabe and I took a group of wonderful folks out to explore aboard the M/V Kestrel! We started out leaving the docks in Friday Harbor with a majestic bald eagle soaring overhead! Two more bald eagles graced our trip with their presence shortly after, another one flying past and the third eagle perched on Flattop Island, a national wildlife refuge.

Along the shores of...

Bigg's Killer Whales near San Juan Island

Lucky Looks at Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales!

Piper | Friday, July 19, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 PM

Hopping aboard the M/V Sea Lion this evening was Captain Sarah, a couple awesome families, and myself! Just as we were leaving the marina in Friday Harbor, right where we have to decide whether to go north or south, a report came in of Bigg’s killer whales off Patos Island, so, north it was! We turned left to go up San Juan Channel and hung a right at President Channel which runs across the north side of Orcas Island. The waters...

Two Bigg's Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

Bigg's Killer Whales off Henry Island!

Piper | Wednesday, July 17, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 PM

This morning started out pretty drizzly but Captain Pete, Laura, me, and our enthusiastic guests got covered up in our awesome bright yellow rain slickers and hit the water like some Alaskan deep-sea fishermen! Only, our goal today was to get to watch some orcas and other wildlife just do their own thing, and we definitely accomplished that goal today!

We left Friday Harbor and headed north in San Juan Channel up and around...


Bigg's Killer Whales and a Humpback Whale in the Strait of Georgia!

Erin | M/V Sea Lion | Monday, July 15, 2019 | 1:30 PM

What an incredible trip aboard the M/V Sea Lion today! The sun was shining and the water was smooth. Not only did we have an amazing boat ride, but we saw an abundance of wildlife! We headed north out of Friday Harbor and went toward Canada. There were some reports of orcas in the Strait of Georgia, so we headed in that direction. As we got to East Point, we saw a humpback whale blow in the distance. The whale went down for a dive...


Magical Sunset Tour with "Exotic" Bigg's Killer Whales!

Piper | Thursday, July 11, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 PM

On this evening’s sunset cruise, we had two really lovely groups of folks visiting the Salish Sea for the first time! The M/V Sea Lion motored out of Friday Harbor and north through San Juan Channel, passing by some wee harbor porpoises and harbor seals swimming along the channel. Our destination was Plumper Sound amongst Canada’s Southern Gulf Islands where a hodgepodge of Bigg’s killer whales were hanging out together!


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