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Too Many Whales to Count, Too Awestruck to Care!

Around 10:40 AM this morning we received a Southern Resident Killer Whale report: members of J, K, and L pod headed north in Haro Strait. We were extremely excited yet a bit uneasy knowing they were headed for Active Pass (Canada). Luckily enough by the time we boarded and headed out for the strait the whales had turned around. It couldn’t have been more perfect timing.

As we made our way into the gut of the strait, reaching a center point between Stewart, Moresby, Sidney, and...


Whale Report 7/10/12

Great whale watching out in Haro Strait today! Whales were spread out between Stewart Island and Lime Kiln State Park. We caught up with our first pair, mama and calf, just off Henry Island, near Kellet Bluff (48°34.60N, 123°12.03W). They were moving extremely fast, almost to be confused with porpoise, looking as if they were trying to catch up with the rest of the pack on the western side of San Juan.

After traveling with them for a bit, another female appeared out of nowhere...


Good Neighbors

Today we hung out with 7 members of J-pod in Haro Strait between Henry and Stewart Island (48°38.88N 123°12.07W). What can I say, they had us at hello—from the minute we arrived they seemed excited, yet kind, greeting us with a spy hop and adult breach. It was almost as if they were welcoming us into their home and from that point on a connection evolved.

After a few minutes of riding alongside them, they merged into a single family unit, moving as one. The love, the passion, and...


The Spieden Shuffle

Today we shuffled around Spieden, Stewart and some of the inner islands. As we boarded the boat we prepared for a wet day, but it actually turned out to be very nice. On the south side of Spieden we saw at least 30 or so Mouflon Sheep and got to see the very first Mink of the season, scurrying along the shoreline. We then made our way around Stewart, through John’s Pass, and through the Cactus Islands seeing numerous Harbors Seals hauled out on small rocky islets and a lone Bald...

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