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pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Last Minute Bigg's Killer Whales Inner Island!

Olivia Esqueda | Friday, March 14th, 2025 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

This was the first tour of the year for both me and Captain Gabe, and it was definitely an exciting one! We started off the trip by heading north through San Juan Channel, where there has been an increase of whale activity over the past few days. Right away we were spotting many different birds including Pelagic Cormorants, Common Murres, Harlequin Ducks, Rhinoceros Auklets, and many, many more! Most notably, we saw at least a...

pc: Kelly Klein, San Juan Safaris

Biggs Killer Whales, Stanley and Topaz: Star-Crossed Lovers

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | October 11th, 2024 | 12:30pm

Nothing was reported in our range as we left Friday Harbor on this lovely fall afternoon. After exiting the harbor and entering San Juan Channel, captain Eric and I had fully prepared to go into search mode. Luckily, a report came in! A group of whales found in Lopez Sound, a very easy transit for us. We turned left into Upright Channel and rounded the northern tip of Lopez Island. This particular spot offers an amazing view of Mt. Baker. In the...


Orca and Mountain Views in the Salish Sea


MV Kestrel




Another fabulously sunny day on MV Kestrel allowed for some crystal clear viewing of cetaceans, pinnipeds and shore birds here in the Salish Sea. We departed Friday Harbor and headed south towards the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Views of the Olympics off our bow and Mount Baker to our portside allowed for an unbelievable backdrop throughout our adventure today. First stop was Goose Rock where we viewed several double crested cormorants perched atop...


Orca Whales Near Orcas Island!!


Jordan | M/V Osprey | 07/30/2021 5:30pm

Captain Gabe, Olivia, Maxx and I headed out of Friday Harbor filled with optimistic hopes of finding wildlife!

Quickly after we left Friday Harbor, we were happily surprised to find orcas near Lopez Island! We watched as one of my favorite pods, the T65As cruised along the shoreline in search of any prey. The large male, Ooxjaa, swam a bit further out from his family out in the middle of the channel. His huge dorsal fin impressed many on...

Bigg's Killer Whales

Amber skies, flat seas and Bigg’s Killer Whales


Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 07/27/2021 | 5:30pm

    Osprey left Friday Harbor heading north this evening. Our morning trip left a family of Bigg’s Killer Whales off Lime Kiln on the west coast of San Juan Island. A mere three hours later this same family was reported up and over Orcas Island, approaching Sucia Island. It took us a little over 40 minutes to reach them: 

T037A Volker (1994, F)

T037A1 Inyo (2007, M)

T037A2 Inky (2009, —)

T037A3 Spinnaker (2013, —)

T037A4 Crinkle (2015, —)

Humpback Whale in the Strait of Georgia

Family Favorite Humpback Whale Flukes in Salish Sea

Olivia | M/V Osprey | May 31st, 2021 | 12:30pm

Congratulations to anyone in the islands today- it was officially the hottest day all year! We spend every day out on the water with multiple layers on despite the temperature because these waters stay around 47 degrees year-round. With that wind flooding off the cool water, it makes for chilly trips even in the dead of summer. Lucky us! We had a lack of wind, blue skies stretched as far as we could see, and degrees. In the 3 years I...

Humpback Whale in Salish Sea

Breaching Humpback Whale Trio in the Strait of Georgia

Olivia | M/V Osprey | May 30th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Our sunny Sunday started off with heaps of Pigeon Guillemots exploring the inner Friday Harbor as we slowly made our way out of the hustle and bustle of the holiday traffic. Scouting out reports from multiple directions around the San Juan Islands, we made the decision to head north up San Juan Channel in the direction of the outer islands!

We were able to pass not only more Pigeon Guillemots, but also Rhinoceros Auklets, a variety of...

Gray Whale in Salish Sea

Surprise Gray Whale Fluking Near Cattle Point Lighthouse

Olivia | M/V Osprey | May 29th, 2021 | 12:30pm

Kicking off Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, we left the dock with Koma Kulshan (Mount Baker) standing tall on the blue horizon as the water below sparkled in the mid-morning sun. Captain Gabe decided to start our adventures south through San Juan Channel. With the glassy water laid out in front of us, it made our ventures easy to spot Harbor Porpoise surfacing for a warm breath of air. These chocolate chip dorsal fins really stand out...

Bigg's Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

Bigg's Killer Whales Hang Outside of Friday Harbor

Olivia | April 18th, 2021 | M/V Kestrel | 14:00

It felt great to get back out on my first M/V Kestrel trip of the season with Captain Brian, especially since it was warm, calm, AND sunny around the islands. We started the trip with a great group of people excited to get out and see what the Salish Sea had to offer. We departed the dock by heading south towards Cattle Point, stopping mid channel to view a giant bait ball with lots of bird action including a variety of gulls...

Gray Whale near D'Arcy Island

Gray Whale Flukes in Salmon Bank

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | April 12th, 2021 | 13:00

What a clear day in the San Juan Islands! Not only could we see Koma Kulshan (Mount Baker) standing tall from the North Cascades, but we could also see Tahoma (Mount Rainier) to the south! You know it is a special day in the Salish Sea when both volcanoes are making an appearance. Starting off the trip, Captain Sarah took us south through San Juan Channel passing heaps of Rhinoceros Auklets. On the southern side of Salmon Bank, we...

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