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San Juan Island Circumnavigation for a Hungry Gray Whale

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | 3/22/22 | 12:30PM 

It was a quintessential pacific northwest day as we left Friday Harbor this morning, overcast and foggy. As we puttered through Friday Harbor on our way to San Juan Channel, a guest noticed something moving in the water. A lone Steller Sea Lion was swimming right at the mouth of the Harbor! Quickly we realized that this large Pinniped was not alone, 3 other Steller’s and a stoic bald eagle sitting in the evergreens were spotted nearby.



Stan the Man and the T123 Bigg’s Killer Whale Fam

Lauren | March 21st, 2022 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30 PM

We were off to a gloomy start this Monday morning, with constant rain showers and no reports of whales within our reach. As we began boarding, our luck started to turn around, the rain started to slow, and the mood brightened up. M/V Sea Lion was full of inquisitive and excited kiddos today, and we were eager to show them The Salish Sea! Captain Eric heard there were some Bigg’s Killer Whales up near Prevost Island, but the report...

Biggs Orcas Visit Friday Harbor

A Biggs Killer Whale Surprise Outside Friday Harbor

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | March 19th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Just as we were puttering out of Friday Harbor, we received one vague whale report. The land-based report stated four killer whales heading south in upright channel, just outside Friday Harbor! It seemed suspiciously convenient…almost too good to be true. Excited, we zoomed over to the mouth of upright channel and scanned the water in the hopes of spotting some black and white dolphins. We scanned and scanned, but no sign of Killer...


Surprise Humpback Whale Migrating Through Haro Strait

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | October 6, 2021 | 12:00 pm


There is a plethora of wildlife that can be seen in the Salish Sea. Today’s trip highlighted the many animals that can be seen, especially if we give the trip the time and space to fully develop. We left the dock in search of a reported group of whales traveling. In our pursuit to find them, one of our guests spotted a Humpback Whale traveling across the stern of our boat. It was an incredible find as this whale was barely...


Duo of Humpback Whales, Big Mama and Bump

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | October 5, 2021 | 12:00 pm


It’s peak Humpback Whale watching season in the Salish Sea! Our Humpbacks are incredibly special because in the 1900’s, they were entirely whaled out of the area. Due to the increase in bait fish over the last couple of decades, more Humpbacks are returning each summer season. Females that return occasionally bring their calves back with them, teaching those young cetaceans that the Salish Sea is a viable feeding ground. With this...

Bigg's Killer Whale

Spy hops galore with the T065B Killer Whales

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 09/20/2021 | 2:00pm

    Today’s tour was a naturalist's dream. When Solan pulled Kestrel out of Friday Harbor we turned northward. A family of unidentified Bigg’s Killer Whales had been reported off the south side of Saturna Island. We had our heading and off we went! 

    We stopped briefly to check out a Bald Eagle, perfectly poised on a small sign post on Jones Island. From there we moved north towards White Rock to admire some Harbor Seals and cormorants...

Killer Whales traveling

Call Your Grandma!

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | September 16, 2021 | 2:00 pm


Family ties are incredibly important for many animals. Staying connected with your relatives is a way for information and culture to be passed down. For killer whales, older relatives act as a necessary resource for learning how to be an orca in the environment. Today, we witnessed the head matriarch of the T18 matriline, Esperanza, traveling with her youngest grandson, T19C Spouter. The two had split off from Esperanza’s...


Canadian Orcas!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 08/16/2021 2:00pm

Nturalist Haleigh and I joined captain Pete on the boat with our excited guests and headed out to see what we could find around the Salish Sea.

We headed north and crossed the border into Canada. Here we found Orcas!! Beautifully swimming around off the coast of Pender Island, we watched in awe as they searched for any prey that could be hiding within the rocks. It felt like a whole different world as we appreciated being able to boat in...


3 Orcas in Canada!!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/11/2021 12:30pm

Today, my adventurous spirit came out as we motored out to sea and into Canadian waters for one of the first times in two years!! We all felt so excited.

It all started when the Abby, Maxx, Captain Gabe and I jumped on Osprey with our guests and headed north through the San Juan Channel. With whispers of whales in the north, we booked it towards the border. But before we even left the harbor, we spotted a gorgeous bald eagle starring at us...

Humpback Whale showing tail before diving for food

4 year-old Humpback Whale, Valiant, found in Presidents Channel

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | August 04, 2021 | 5:30pm


Each departure from the harbor, we set out to find as much wildlife as we can! We are in communication with other whale watchers and vessels on the water to ensure we can each create some of the best experiences the Salish sea has to offer. Though it can sometimes be a gamble choosing certain paths, our sunset trip did not disappoint! 


We decided to head north through San Juan channel in pursuit of some large black and white animals...

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