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Zigging and Zagging with a Humpback near Plumper Sound

Thursday, May 17th | M/V Sea Lion | Noon

Pushing off the docks in Friday Harbor this afternoon, Captain Mike took the Sea Lion to the north, toward Spieden Island, where we found a few remaining Steller’s sea lions lounging on Green Point, savoring the last seconds of laziness before making the trek to Alaska for their breeding season.

Moving through New Channel and up John’s Pass we spotted quite a few bald eagles perched on trees and soaring overhead! We continued up through...

Killer whales surfacing

Orcas and a Humpback! Spring at its best! Thursday, May 10, 2018

[Sarah – 05/10/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]


Captain Mike and I had an amazing spring trip aboard M/V Sea Lion with a marvelous group of guests! Everyday in the month of May we inch closer and closer to what we consider our peak season to see orcas, but don’t tell the whales that!! We’ve experienced an incredible early season with sightings of orcas and humpbacks on about 75% of our trips, far higher a percentage that our predicted 50%!

We left the dock with an early report of...


Bigg's Orcas in the Sun!

Thursday, April 19, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 Noon

THE SUN IS OUT! Spending the winter on the island, sometimes you don’t realize how much you’ve been missing the sun until it pops through the clouds to warm your bones; today was one of those days. Happily squinting my eyes, I boarded the boat along with our amazing guests for the day and Captain Brian and I got the Sea Lion into San Juan Channel, headed north. Turning west into Spieden Channel we found ourselves surrounded by our...

J Pod whales traveling together

J Pod in Haro Strait (April 3rd)

[Naturalist Sarah – 04/03/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]


April trips don’t often start with whale reports on the dock, but on Tuesday we had incredible reports of orcas be fore we left Friday Harbor. Captain Brian opted for a southerly route, so he steered the M/V Sea Lion right out of the harbor.

The original orcas that were reported on the west side of San Juan Island had been fairly non-directional… traveling north along the shoreline, and then south. With plenty of time to...


Shoutout to the Little Guys

Today I want to write about the foundation of the entire food chain in the Salish Sea as well as all the worlds ocean.  That’s right, I’m talking about plankton!  There are two types of plankton that exist: phytoplankton, tiny plants, and zooplankton, tiny animals.  Because phytoplankton are in fact plants, they are going spend a majority of time at the surface of the water in order to have access to their main food source, the sun.  These animals are going to photosynthesize in...

Killer whales traveling towards the Olympic Mountains

A Big Day for Bigg's Killer Whales!

[Naturalist Sarah – 03/15/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

Lately we have had some simply exceptional days out on the water. Not only have we been treated to insane whale sightings, but we have also had magical springtime weather.

While I was cooking breakfast this morning Captain Brian called me, “Want to go find some whales? Get down to the harbor in 15.” I quickly downed my breakfast, gathered my gear, called Naturalist Rachel, and zoomed down to the harbor. With fresh cups of...

J Pod Jumping

Big Group of Breaching Bigg's! (Say that five times fast!)

M/V Sea Lion – 12:00 Noon – Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Just as the first sprinkles fell from the sky the M/V Sea Lion departed from Friday Harbor carrying Captain Mike, Sarah, Erick, myself and an awesome group of kids and kids-at-heart! Heading south along San Juan Channel towards rumors of a large group of orcas in the open waters of the Salish Sea south of San Juan Island. As we closed in on Cattle Pass, we were met with a small group of harbor porpoises swimming in the ripping...

Washington State Ferry in the San Juan Islands

11 Must See Washington Gems for the Perfect Day Trip

Top Washington State Day Trips

1. San Juan Island- Paradise is Only a Day Trip Away

Well this one might be a given considering you’ve stopped by to read this blog for a reason! But the San Juan Islands make a fantastic getaway!  From kayaking around Roche Harbor and picnicking on Henry or Posey Island in the morning, to taking an exciting sunset Wildlife and Whale Watch in the evening, and then having a delicious dinner in one of the many restaurants in Friday Harbor, San Juan Island...

Steller Sea Lion Pups

Winter Wildlife: Enjoying Our Winter Pinnipeds and Feathered Friends

[Monday 2/19/2018, M/V Sea Lion 12:00, Naturalist Erick]


It seems winter is here again and bringing with it some mildly cold weather. Luckily, though, when the mercury drops here it also brings bright sunny days. So, on this sunny Presidents’ Day Captain Mike and I took a small crew out to go find some spectacular wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed south to go search through San Juan Channel and eventually the Strait of Juan de Fuca.


Our first stop was at Whale Rocks just...


Whale, We're Back: Transient Killer Whales and Sunny Skies on the First Trip of 2018

[Saturday 02/10/2018, M/V Sea Lion 12:00, Naturalist Erick]

     And…we’re back! Saturday was San Juan Safaris’ first public trip of 2018! A high pressure system has moved into the San Juan Islands so this weekend has been sunny, calm, and a little brisk. Most folks come to see whales in the summer months for many reasons. The weather is nice, kids are off from school, and that is when we usually see the Southern Resident Killer Whales – the famous J, K, and L pods. Unbeknownst to...

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