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Bigg's Killer Whales Foraging Near Shaw Island!!

Laura C. | 7/2/2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

It was quite an adventure in the Salish Sea today on M/V Sea Lion!  Passengers embraced the wind and swirling seas like seasoned mariners, in hopes of momentarily connecting with these graceful and somewhat mysterious sea creatures.  Luckily our voyage was to close by Shaw Island, a trifle trip compared to journeys the Sea Lion is capable of enduring.  The rain and fog created breathtaking views of the treetops of surrounding islands...

Bigg's Killer Whales Breaching!

Bigg's Killer Whales Breaching Near Point Roberts!!

Laura C./ 6-29-2019/  M/V Sea Lion /  1:30pm

Today was an outstanding day out on the water!  Our vessel Sea Lion traveled far north towards Point Roberts!  We were so excited to see a large family of Bigg’s killer whales demonstrating an abundance of surface activity!!  As our vessel approached the scene passengers stared in delight watching full breaches and tail breaches from a spirited calf!  There were also adults joining in on the fun!  A large male performed a full body breach...

Bigg's Killer Whales near Cypress Island

Two Bigg's Killer Whale Families Join Together!

Laura C. | 6-28-2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00am

This afternoon was an awesome day to spend on the water!  Captain Gabe drove M/V Kestrel north and stopped along Spieden Island to see some cool wildlife, including bald eagles and harbor seals!  We continued onward and were so excited to find TWO Bigg’s killer whale families traveling together near Saturna Island!  Passengers watched this active group gathering at the surface with calves splashing around and coming fully out of the water...

Bigg's Killer Whales and Rainbows!

Bigg's Killer Whale Family Near Sucia Island!

Laura C. | 6-27-2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

Passengers boarded M/V Sea Lion today with vigor, in hopes of either witnessing whales in their natural environment for the first time or reconnecting with these charismatic leviathans once again!  And we were not disappointed!  Captain Pete manned the helm as we ventured north through San Juan Channel and rounded Orcas Island to join fellow whale-watching vessels near Sucia Island.  We were elated to see a familiar family in the area...

Bigg's Killer Whales!!

14 Bigg's Killer Whales Celebrate a Sunset Whale Watch!!

Laura C./ 6-26-2019 /  M/V Sea Lion / 5:30pm

Our whale watch this evening was one of my favorites of the season!  Captain Pete, Olivia, myself and a full boat of passengers voyaged north to Saturna Island.  We were ecstatic to find three families of Bigg’s killer whales joined together in what seemed like a celebration!  The guests for this evening’s celebration included the T36As, T65As, T65Bs, and T77A, with a grand total of around 14 whales!  The calves were tail breaching and...

Bigg's Killer Whales in Canadian Waters

Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales Near Patos Island!

Laura C. | 6-22-2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30pm

The 5:30pm whale watch was gorgeous!  We headed north aboard M/V Sea Lion and were ecstatic to find two families traveling together near Patos Island, T36As and T65As!  There was no mistaking the large teenage male of the T65A family as he cruised along with his mother and siblings.  The calf seemed very energetic this evening and may have been excited to be a part of a special social gathering with another family.  Watching the...


Bigg's Killer Whale Seen Surrounded by Harbor Seals!

Laura C. | 6-22-2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Greetings from the sea!  The M/V Sea Lion had an awesome day out on the water cruising along some fun waves and a windy breeze!  We headed north and first stopped along Flattop Island for some exciting commotion with several bald eagles circling overhead.  There was definitely some social gathering occurring or perhaps a nice meal under the trees because the eagles were so active!  We also saw some furry creatures scurrying up the rocks...

Bigg's Killer Whales Near Waldron Island

Bigg's Killer Whales seen passing Lime Kiln Lighthouse

Laura C.| 6-20-19 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

What a spectacular day out on the water!  We traveled south through San Juan Channel towards Cattle Point and our first marine mammal encounters consisted of Steller’s sea lions!  It was so exciting to get some up close and personal looks at these charismatic creatures basking in the sun and jumping in and out of the cool water.  There were a couple of massive males present on the rocks as well!  These sea lions were quite active today and...


Bigg's Killer Whales in Haro Strait!

Piper | Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 PM

Just as I was gathering our guests for our trip today Captain Pete was on the radio with other whale watching boats and received a report of orcas in Canadian waters! So, we got off the docks with an awesome group of people and headed north in San Juan Channel, cutting across Spieden Channel towards the Southern Gulf Islands of Gooch and Mandarte. Arriving on scene with the Bigg’s killer whales, the mammal-eating ecotype, we...

Bigg's Orcas

Orcas Ride the Tide by South Pender : T65B's, T75B's, T75C's, T124C Bigg's Orcas all together

Erick | Sunday, May 19, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30PM

On our second trip this Sunday, Captain Gabe and I took our lovely group of folks north through San Juan Channel and towards Boundary Pass. We made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here there were a few Steller Sea Lions enjoying the warm rocks of the late afternoon. Up on hillside there was a herd of Mouflon Sheep grazing as well. These are sheep that were brought here to be part of an exotic game hunting ranch...

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