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Transient Orcas on the North Side of San Juan Island

August 26- M/V Sea Lion- 1:30 pm

We left the dock at Friday Harbor and North towards a report of a few transient orcas.  We decided to spend some time at Spieden island to look for some of our other wildlife.  We got to see some bald eagles, harbor seal, and some introduced sheep.  After getting our fill of wildlife we went to find some whales!  We came across a sibling pair of transient orcas.  It was T65A3, who is 11 years old, and T65A4, who is 7 years old.  These two siblings...


Young Transient Orcas Hunting Near Lopez Island 8/24/18 | 1:30 pm

Guests aboard M/V Sea Lion along with the crew had quite a day today! Heading out Naturalists Eric, Captain Gabe, and I were struggling to decide what group of orcas to go watch! There being a couple of reports of whales nearby from other boats, we decided to go through Upright Channel to the north side of Lopez to encounter a group. There were two young transient orca in this group traveling apart from their pod, which was further southwest. This was not typical behavior of two...


Afternoon Trip with Transient Whales and Humpbacks near the Olympic Peninsula! | 08/22/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | August 22, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

Today was such a good day! Captain Gabe and I headed south through the San Juan Channel towards reports of transient whales near the Olympic Peninsula. We first stopped by Whale Rocks and saw some Steller sea lions on the rocks! It was really fun to see these massive animals lounging and enjoying the sun streaming through the cloudy skies. There were also harbor seals sitting nearby flopping around.

Then we sped off further south...


Transient Orcas North of Friday Harbor

August 18- M/V Sea Lion- 1:30 pm

For our tour today we had a report of some transient orcas near some small islands on the North side of Orcas island.  On our way up to that report we saw some harbor porpoise in Presidents channel.  We then got to a group of orcas call the T2C’s.  This particular group is interesting because they have a sprouting male who has a severe case of scoliosis.  It is pretty well known that cetaceans can have scoliosis but this particular individual is the...


Transient Orcas hunting close to shore in Rosario Strait [Friday, 8/17/18, M/V Kestrel]

[Friday, 8/17/18, M/V Kestrel]


On Friday, Captain Mike and I took Kestrel out for two trips with great folks on each one. On M/V Kestrel we go extremely fast so we can cover lots of water to look for the coolest wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed out and on our first trip we ended up on the east side of Orcas Island in Rosario Strait. It was a group of Transient Orcas (Killer Whales)! We also call this type Bigg’s Orcas. They are the type of Orcas that we see in the inland sea...


Two Groups of Transient Orcas [Thursday, 8/16/18, M/V Sea Lion Noon & 5:30PM]

[Thursday, 8/16/18, M/V Sea Lion Noon & 5:30PM]


On Thursday, the M/V Sea Lion had two wonderful trips out on the Salish Sea. Naturalists Sarah and I on both trips took great groups of people out. On our first trip we saw a bunches of Harbor Seals swimming around and resting on rocks on Whale Rocks in Cattle Pass. Then we went to Lawson Reef in Rosario Strait and saw a group of Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas. These orcas are the ecotype that live on the west coast of North America that...


Bigg's Killer Whales North of San Juan Island

August 16- M/V Kestrel - 10:00 am

For our first trip out on the water we headed out towards British Columbia to go and find some orca whales.  We went up to Saturna Island to find a group of transient orcas called the T2C’s.  This particular day our guests were very lucky to get a great look at some of our mammal eating orcas.  Not only do we always want to find whales on our trips we also always try to highlight other wildlife in the area as well.  Harbor seals are definetly are...


Afternoon Trip with Bigg’s Whales within Beaumont Shoal! | 08/14/2018 | 1:30

Jordan | August 14, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 trip

Today was another hazy day which made the surrounding islands seem almost dream-like! As Captain Pete, Alexandria and I set out of Friday Harbor, we headed south down through the San Juan Channel, past Cattle Point and west towards the Canadian islands. As we reached Beaumont Shoal off the coast of Discovery Island, we found our whales!

Here we found a small pod of transient (Bigg’s) whales! The T2Cs were moving incredibly slowly at...


Afternoon Trip with Bigg’s Orcas near Victoria! | 08/05/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | August 5, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

Today was such a great day out on the water! The Kestrel headed out from Friday Harbor and traveled south down through the San Juan Channel. Then, Captain Mike and I traveled west towards the Canadian border and towards Vancouver Island. As we grew closer to the city of Victoria we found our whales!

In fact, we saw a fantastic pod of Bigg’s (transient) whales, the T18s, who were in the process of hunting a harbor seal! Within this...


Bald Eagle Party|7/21/18| 5:30 pm

Leaving the harbor with a full boat Captain Mike, Alexandria and myself were excited to get out on the water and see what orcas were hanging around the San Juan Channel! It’s really a treat and a weight off our shoulders when the whales are right outside the harbor since sometimes we must travel two hours to even catch up to them! With high spirits, we headed North up the channel hugging the east side of San Juan island. About two miles up the coast, we saw some faint spouts coming...

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