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Transients North of San Juan Island

08/30/17- M/V Sea Lion- 1:30PM

Today we were lucky enough to find some transient killer whales on the North side of Orcas Island.  Specifically, we were looking at the T36A’s, a nice group of whales consisting of females and juveniles. 

People commonly ask the naturalists about the whale’s movement patterns and where we find the animals day to day.  When we wake up in the morning we never know where we may be traveling for our tour that day.  These animals move, on average, about 100...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T060's) Meet Up by Sooke

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/28/17, 2:00PM]


            It was Captain Gabe and me again today, going out there to have a bunch of fun with folks aboard the Kestrel. We started on a longer than usual trip heading south, then west towards Victoria and Vancouver Island. We headed there and went further west, beyond Race Rocks – the furthest point south along Vancouver Island. We almost made it to Sooke when we saw the group of Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas that we were looking for...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T065A's) Travel South Through Rosario Strait

[Naturalist Erick, M/V Sea Lion, 8/20/17, 1:30PM]


            On Sunday, Captain Mike, Rachel, and I started on another super exciting wildlife and whale tour. We headed east towards some reports of Transient Orcas (the ones that eat marine mammals) and soon spotted them swimming south around Matia Island. It was the T065A’s! This is a pretty spectacular family of Transient Orcas, and one of my favorites. I have seen them hunt so many different prey in so many different ways. They...

Transient Orcas

Four Families of Transient Orcas Around the San Juans

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Sea Lion, 8/19/17, 5:30PM]


The evening trips aboard the Sea Lion are my absolute favorite. We are coming up on the last week of them, but each time I go on one, it’s just so much more relaxing, there usually are less boats on the water, and less folks on the boat. Oh yeah, and the lighting is just spectacular. This evening we started out by heading north. We stopped at one of our favorite places, Flattop Island, to look at some Harbor Seals, Bald Eagles...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T46B's) Travel & Murre-der Common Murres

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/18/17, 2:00PM]


            For our second Friday trip, Captain Mike and I took a bunch of folks out. We started by going to see some of the Harbor Seals that like to hang out on the rocks and in the water around Flattop Island. Flattop Island is one of the smaller islands in the archipelago that is managed by the Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Fish and Wildlife that is preserved for wildlife and no humans are allowed on it. We saw at least...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T46B's) Travel Through Pole Pass

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel,  8/18/17, 10:00AM]


Finally Friday! On this day Captain Mike and I headed out on an wildlife adventure with just a few folks in the morning. One of the families (matrilines) of Orcas (Killer Whales) that we had been seeing the past few weeks was spotted pretty close from land. We zipped over to Harney Channel in between Orcas and Shaw Islands. There they were tranquilly swimming along the Shaw Island shoreline. This particular family of Orcas was...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T30's) Coordinate Hunt Near Spencer Spit

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Sea Lion, 8/17/17, 1:30PM]


The weather here in the San Juans has definitely changed for the better. A few days ago the wind shifted and blew the smoky haze away, it rained!, and the temperature cooled down again. On this beautiful, cool, and sunny day Captain Gabe, Rachel, and I all took a full boat on a search for some fun nature!

Bald Eagles

Today we took an inter-island route since there were some whale reports on the other side of the islands. We...


Traveling Transient Orcas (T18/T19's) and Salty River Otters

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/9/17, 2:00PM]


On our afternoon trip for the day, Gabe and I and all the lovely folks aboard started another exciting search for some cool marine wildlife. Our first stop was one of our favorites. We motored down to Whale Rocks. These two Islets emerge from the waves of Cattle Pass just southwest of Lopez Island. You can see them from the shores of both Lopez and San Juan, and when they are covered by our favorite pinnipeds you can definitely...

Transient Orca

Transient Orcas Toss a Harbor Seal (T18's/T19's)

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/9/17, 10:00AM]


On Wednesday, Captain Gabe and I started on the search for families (matrilines) of Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas. While in the Salish Sea this summer we have not seen the Southern Resident orcas much this summer, we have seen many of the Transient (Bigg’s) Orca matrilines. The main difference between these two distinct, non-interbreeding populations that swim through the Salish Sea is their diet. The Southern Residents eat only fish...

A mother transient killer whale and her calf

So Many Killer Whales in the San Juan Islands!

[7/28/17- M/V Sea Lion- Kelsey, Naturalist- 1:30PM and 5:30PM]

Sunny skies and whales in the forecast- it was turning out to be a beautiful July afternoon! Our first group departed on M/V Sea Lion from Friday Harbor on San Juan Island and headed north through San Juan Channel and President Channel. We reached Sucia Island and the top of Orcas Island, and lucky us, TWO family groups of transient, or mammal-eating, orca whales were around, just three miles apart!

We arrived on scene...

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