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pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

A Whale Filled Afternoon with the Boys

Olivia Ellman | M/V Kestrel | September 7th, 2024 | 2:00 pm

Our afternoon adventure whale watch set out from Friday Harbor under hazy skies in search of wildlife. We began by heading north up San Juan Channel and were excited about some rumors of whales ahead of us. Soon enough, as we neared Waldron Island, we could see some blows in the distance along with some large black dorsal fins! This ended up being a group of three male Bigg’s or Transient Killer Whales, and they were slowly traveling...

humback whale surfacing with dorsal fin out of the water

Octo the Humpback Whale Goes to Canada

Olivia Ellman | M/V Sea Lion | September 4th, 2024 | 12:30 pm

Our Classic Whale Watch departed Friday Harbor today ready to search for some wildlife! We had great conditions as we set off into San Juan Channel, following up on some reports of whale activity to the north. Along the way we stopped at White Rocks to get some looks at a bunch of harbor seals relaxing in the sun! This was a great way to talk more about our ecosystem and see why the Salish Sea has such abundant wildlife. We continued...

two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Killer Whales on the Canadian Border

Olivia Ellman | M/V Kestrel | September 1st, 2024 | 10:00 am

Today’s morning adventure whale watch started the month off with another great trip! As one of the first boats out on the water, we began our trip in full search mode with a few rumors to the north. We traveled up San Juan Channel, stopping to view a group of harbor seals hauled out on a small island and harbor porpoises swimming nearby. This is always a great sign of our productive ecosystem, and made us even more excited at the chance...

Orca whale pack in water

A Bigg’s T-Party and Humpback Whale Afternoon

A lot can change in the span of a few hours out here in the Salish Sea. By the time our 2:00 tour came around the weather had cleared up, the sun was out, and more whales had been spotted in the region! Like our morning tour, Kestrel flew north. This time however, we continued past Spieden island, up and over the US/Canadian border and towards South Pender island where reports of Biggs Killer whales sparked a few hour before. 

Initial reports consisted of 6-7 whales but boy were we in for a...


Breaching Bigg’s Orcas and a Beautiful Interisland Journey

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/21/2022 | 2:00pm

    One of my favorite things about working as a naturalist is trying to interpret what is going on in the head of a whale. They are assumed to be some of the smartest creatures on the planet: Killer whales in particular have the second largest brains in the animal kingdom AND the second largest brain to body ratio (another presumed indicator of intelligence). The inherit intelligence and personality of a killer whale, something we only get...


A Sunday Stroll to Saturna Island featuring Bigg’s Killer Whales

Lauren | M/V Osprey | 06/19/2022 | 12:30 pm

From Saturna Island to Sanctuary Zones followed by a stop at Spieden, our Sunday was packed full of spectacular wildlife!

Shortly after our journey began, we slowed to view a bald eagle perched up high on a treetop. As we continued north, we cruised around White Rock to get a look at some hauled out harbor seals. Harbor seals are extremely important to our ecosystem here, as they make up 70% of our Bigg’s killer whale’s diet. We couldn’t...

Humpback Tail Fluke

Successfull Search for Humpbacks & A Bald Eagle Frenzy

Kelly | M/V Kestrel | 6.16.21 | 10:00am |
When we left the dock on the M/V Kestrel there was a whopping total of 0 whale reports. This is not completely unusual for our 10am departure time. This early, there are only a small number of whale watch boats out on the water searching for wildlife. Captain Michael and I decided to head north toward Saturna island. In the past few days this area has been a consistent hot spot for humpback whales, so we figured it was our best bet.
On our...


Humpbacks Near Saturna Island

June 16th, 2022

Abby Dahl

12:30pm Osprey

Gabe, Maxx, Helena and I took to the water as we wrestled the current coming out of Friday Harbor. Bald eagles sat perched in the tree tops at Friday Harbor Labs, and the water shimmered an emerald green. We stopped at Flattop Island on our cruise north, rumors of humpback whales in almost the same place we left them the day before; same individuals too.

We took photos and watched the harbor seals roll around the rocky shoreline, many of them...


Humpback Hotspot

Kelly | M/V Kestrel | June 2nd, 2022 | 2:00pm
Today marked the first truly “warm” day on San Juan Island for the year 2022! Not ideal for standing around in our extra warm exposure suits… but delightful once we picked up speed and started cruising in our high-speed vessel.
First stop on this tour was a humpback just south of Saturna Island. The unmistakable 15–20-foot blow in the distance indicated the cetacean’s exact location. Guests were delighted to watch this impressive animal...


A Humpback Whale and Honeycombed Sandstone

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 6.1.2022 | 10:00 AM

Captain Eric and I were off the dock at 10:00 am today with our boat only half full… A post Memorial Day lull if you will? With an entire boat to themselves, our eight passengers still packed into the front of M/V Kestrel. The front of our zodiac proves to be the bumpiest spot during the ride. It seemed we had true adventures seekers on our hands, and we were excited to show them around the Salish Sea!

Our first stop was at Flattop Island to...

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