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PCB's - What's Making Our Orcas Sick?

It's not a pretty fact, but it's science: killer whales are among the world's most contaminated marine mammals. 

How is this possible? What toxins are the orcas dealing with? What are scientists looking at, and how can we help?

It comes down to PCB's, or polychlorinated biphenyls. These are a type of POP, "persistant organic pollutant," that first originated at the start of the last century and are commonly found in the Puget Sound. They were used for a good part of 70 years in...


Amazing Night with Transients and Residents!

Blogging is always so much easier as a naturalist when you have amazing trips. I must say, I have been extremely fortunate throughout the 2013 season in having great trips. Tonight was another one of those top five best nights. Our Southern Resident Killer Whales surprised us all, as they usually do, by swimming the (roughly) 90 mile voyage from the western side of Vancouver Is. BC into the northern waters of the Puget Sound. It's not uncommon for Killer Whales to swim 100+ miles a...

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