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Humpback Whale Mum and Calf Breaching and a Family of Biggs Killer Whales

June 9th, 2022

Abby Dahl

12:30pm Osprey

We boarded Osprey on a typical, rainy northwest afternoon. Cruising out of the harbor, we turned northbound and entered the San Juan Channel. Reports loomed of a humpback whale mother and calf heading through Boundary Pass, so we thought we’d give it a go, scanning for orcas along the way as the misty air hung in a still balance amidst a lush island backdrop.

We cruised along while harbor seals seemed to drift in and out of sleep on the rocky...


A Trio of Humpbacks in Boundary Pass

Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 06/01/2022 | 12:30pm

    Humpback whales are just the coolest. Here in the Salish Sea we have a “Humpback Highway” of sorts; these massive 45 tonne animals will travel in through the Juan De Fuca and will often then take a hard left up and through the Haro Strait, through Boundary Pass and often again up and around towards the north. What truly blows my mind the most is that these animals will make this trek year after year, taking the same specific turns...


Families of Bigg’s Killer Whales and Humpback Whales

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | May 29, 2022 | 12:30 pm


The island has been filling up with visitors as Memorial Day rings in the start of the summer season! Our classic whale watch was no disappointment for those coming to view some of the stand-out species found in our waters. 


Early reports had us off the dock headed straight towards the outer islands (Patos, Sucia, Matia, Clark and Barne). With gusts of winds up to 12 knots, our vessel trudged through wavy waters spraying the port...

Humpback Whale Breaching

Humpback Whale Calf Breaches in the Gulf

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | May 23rd, 2022 | 12:30pm

The Pacific Northwest decided to pull one of her most cliché moves by raining on a day that didn’t call for it; but off we went with happy faces ready for whatever the day brought. Heading north, we stopped at Flattop Island admiring heaps of Pigeon Guillemots with their red feet bold against the green water. Nearby we found several Harbor Seals swimming along the basalt rock as well as an adult Bald Eagle stoically looking across the...


Spieden Island and Hard Working Humpbacks Whales

Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 05/19/2022 | 1:00pm

    We had a full boat of guests today on our 1:00 departure out of Friday Harbor, and let me tell you, it was a BEAUTIFUL day. I might even go so far as to say it was almost warm. Summer is officially on its wayspie and today was the perfect sampling. 

    We started up north through the San Juan Channel where we then rounded up and over the north side of Spieden Island. I’m obsessed with Spieden Island, not only because the non-native...

Bigg's Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

Three Families of Bigg's Killer Whales and Surprise Humpback Whales!

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | May 6th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Leaving the dock at the start of a trip is not only normal for the shoulder season, but for peak season as well. With no whales tagged in these waters, everything is found on visual sight. Today we left the dock and decided to take a chance heading north while other vessels in the Pacific Whale Watch Association were searching down south. This worked in our favor because about 20 minutes into our trip, another vessel spotted not one...


Mugged by the T99’s Bigg’s Killer Whales

Haleigh | M/V Kestrel | September 19, 2021 | 2:00 pm


Our adventure tour took place on one of the beautiful, crisps fall days in the San Juan Islands. With calm conditions in the channels, we directed our boat towards a report of killer whales westbound. One our way, we stopped by a haul-out of Steller’s Sea Lions roaring at one another and playing in the kelp forest alongside the rocks. We continued west and saw spouts from afar. As we arrived, Captain Solan slowed our vessel down...


Sunset with Humpback Whales!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/03/2021 5:30pm

What a beautiful day out on the water!

Naturalist Laura, Haleigh and I headed out of the harbor and headed north through San Juan Channel. We looked and looked for any signs of blows or fins when all of a sudden we hear guests shouting "blow!!" We look towards shore and sure enough there was a whale!

We slowly approached and watched as the massive whale surfaced. It was a Humpback Whale! Then, suddenly a second blow surfaced right next to the...

Humpback Whale surfacing for air

Humpback Whales Barracuda and Delta in Haro Strait

Abby | M/V Osprey | 7/25/2021


Captain Gabe, Alexandria, Laura, and I left Friday Harbor with no sightings or reports of whales in our waters. It was clear early on that we would head north in search of nutrient-rich waters and potentially some baleen whales. We all clutched our binoculars and crossed our fingers for exhales to present themselves like confetti across the calm evening waters.

Harbor seal pups lifted their heads as we passed rocky haul-out sites. Harbor porpoise...


Humpbacks Barracuda and Delta in Haro Strait

Abby | M/V Osprey | 7/25/2021


Captain Gabe, Alexandria, Laura, and I left Friday Harbor with no sightings or reports of whales in our waters. It was clear early on that we would head north in search of nutrient-rich waters and potentially some baleen whales. We all clutched our binoculars and crossed our fingers for exhales to present themselves like confetti across the calm evening waters.

Harbor seal pups lifted their heads as we passed rocky haul-out sites. Harbor porpoise...

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