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Southern Resident Killer Whale, Wave Walker

Critically Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale, J Pod, Return!

Haleigh | M/V Kestrel | September 1, 2021 | 2:00 pm


With the summer ending, each of us are reflecting on the wildlife experiences for the summer. Historically, we would have expected Southern Resident Killer Whales feeding and socializing along the west side of San Juan Island. SRKWs are now critically endangered due to the lack of salmon, specifically chinook salmon, in the Salish Sea. Typically our SRKWs would be around 70/80 days. Up until today, we had seen them 3 times… making...


L Pod Near False Bay

Another great day on the water for the M/V Sea Lion's passengers and crew! It started off a little daunting when the fog bank had yet to clear before our afternoon trip, but Captain Craig timed it perfectly! Once we passed the southern tip of San Juan Island the fog bank cleared and it was smooth sailing till we arrived on scene with a few members of L Pod.
Our afternoon trip got to witness excellent foraging displays by the L-12's, who were constantly corraling their prey below the...

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