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Mesmerizing Humpback Whale in the San Juan Islands

Olivia | May 30th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Not only did we have an amazing group of people on the boat today, it was gorgeous outside! With a smaller number of people, it was just Captain Gabe and me. We started off the trip heading north through the San Juan Channel past Shaw and Orcas Islands. We wound around Waldron Island through Presidents Channel where we were able to see many Harbor Porpoises. Did you know that these porpoises have a broad range frequency from around 40...


Humpback and Minke Whales in the San Juan Islands

Olivia | May 29th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Today was one of the best encounters I have had this season. Captain Gabe, Co- Naturalist Jordan, and I decided it was best to head south through the San Juan Channel between San Juan and Lopez Islands. On route the find whales we stumbled across Harbor Seals! They are the world’s second smallest seal and so cute. They are Pinnipeds much like the Seal Lions, however, they cannot rotate their pelvis or hind flippers. Because of this...


Monarch the Humpback and a Posse of Orcas in the North!

Piper | Sunday, May 26, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM

What a difference a day can make when it comes to weather in the Salish Sea! Today it was sunny as can be and I was out on the M/V Kestrel with Captain Gabe and two great groups of guests! On both tours we headed north out of Friday Harbor and up into Boundary Pass! We spied some harbor seals and harbor porpoises along the way, but once in Canadian waters we came across a humpback whale! We were able to identify this...


Bigg's Killer Whales: Fun with the T101's

color:black">Erin | M/V Sea Lion | Sunday, May 26, 2019 | 12:00 PM

font-variant-ligatures: normal;font-variant-caps: normal;orphans: 2;text-align:
start;widows: 2;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;text-decoration-style: initial;
text-decoration-color: initial;word-spacing:0px"> font-family:">What a fantastic trip we had on a beautifully sunny day! It began with harbor porpoises. These tiny toothed whales were travelling through President Channel as we made our way to where there were some orca reports. Everyone was excited to see them. As we travelled into the area where we knew there were some orcas, it took us some time to figure out where they were. Then we saw tall blows and tall dorsal fins in the...


The rain didn't stop the fun!

Erin | M/V Sea Hawk | Saturday, May 25, 2019| 12:00 PM

Today was a rainy day, but that sure did not stop us from seeing amazing wildlife. We began our trip heading north out of Roche Harbor, heading toward Pender Island, as we got some reports of orcas in that area. On our way out of the harbor, we saw harbor seals up at the surface! As we were travelling, we got sights on a humpback whale that was by itself. We stopped to watch the humpback whale, and it had a fairly predictable...

T65A Bigg's Killer Whales Around San Juan Island

A Whale of a Rainy Day on the Salish Sea; Bigg's Killer Whales and Humpbacks in the San Juan Islands

Olivia | May 25th, 2019 | M/V Seal Lion | 12:00pm 

The weather forecast called for rain, and the Pacific Northwest did not disappoint! With nearly a full boat, most of our passengers (Captain Pete and co- natty, Piper, included) were all dressed up in their rain slickers ready to brave the weather. The great thing about these marine mammals, is they don’t care if its sunny and 75 or pouring rain, they will be just as active. We made sure everyone was warm and cozy with many blankets...


Orcas AND Humpbacks Near Friday! 05/24/19

Jordan | May 24, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 4:00 trip

It's me again! Today was such a fantastic trip out on the water. Despite the gray Washington clouds overhead, the wildlife definitely birghtened our day. Captain Gabe and I, and our 8 new best friends, adventured out to sea in one of the fastest boats in San Juan! The Kestrel.

We headed north through the San Juan Channel and immediately got lucky with some harbor seal sightings! Trying to escape the frigid water, they all squeezed onto...


Four Humpbacks Fluking in Boundary Pass!

Piper | Wednesday, May 22, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 PM

This lovely Wednesday morning the M/V Sea Lion was crewed by Captain Gabe and I, and we carried a great group of people north into San Juan Channel to scan the waters for whales. We made our way into Boundary Pass and across the border into Canadian waters where a report of humpback whales came through! We arrived at Saturna Island and Java Islets and we spotted the blows of two humpbacks surfacing next to each other! We...

Humpback Whale

Windy the Humpback Whale Travels Around Saturna Island!

Erick | Tuesday, May 21, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00

Tuesday was another beautiful day out here in the archipelago. We headed out of Friday Harbor and turned north. We headed towards Spieden Island. Just around Yellow Island we saw a Minke Whale! These are smaller baleen whales that inhabitat the Salish Sea. They are around 30 feet long and are usually difficult ot watch but today was so calm it was easy to see this one. Minke Whales, also unusually, seem to stick to the same areas...


A Humpback and Minke Day Featuring Special Guest Star: Tufted Puffins!

M/V Sea Lion | Friday, May 18th | Naturalist Alexandria | 2:00 PM

What a great day we had today!  As we were heading out of harbor we decided we were going to head south and see what we could find.  When we hit the water with no firm reports, all the captains are in constant communication with each other, and work together to decide where each boat is heading, all in an effort to ensure that we scan as many areas as possible looking for whales and wildlife.

We decided to head south...

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