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Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale Day

[Wednesday, 5/23/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


This Wednesday, Captain Pete and I headed north on another bright sunny day to the north. We made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here, is a normal haul-out spot for Steller Sea Lions. Today, there was still around 8 left. They were all males of different ages lounging on the sunbaked rocks of the point. Soon though, all of these massive Steller Sea Lions will be gone as they migrate northward to their...

Humpback Whale

Triple Humpback Whales!

[Sunday, 5/20/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


On this sunny day in May, Captain Mike and I took a lovely group of folks out to look for some great wildlife. We headed north through Boundary Pass, up Plumper Sound, and through the windy cliff-bordered waterways of Georgensen Pass into the Strait of Georgia. Out in the the middle of the Strait there were three adult Humpback Whales gathered round each other! They were super close to each other and were gently swimming...

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale Tails

[Saturday, 5/19/18 - M/V Kestrel - 2:00PM - Naturalist Erick]


For our afternoon trip, Captain Gabe and I took Kestrel north once again. We stopped to see some great Harbor Porpoises swimming in the rips off of Green Point! Next, we headed through Boundary Pass and stopped at East Point to look at all the super cool Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Bonaparte’s Gulls resting, swimming, and feeding in this dynamic area called Boiling Reef. We continued up north along the Belle...


Three Humpbacks, Three Breaches, One Stunning Tour

Sunday, May 20th | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 AM

This morning the Kestrel powered up and took off north into San Juan Channel. Led by Captain Gabe, myself and our group of guests explored the waters between the Wasp Islands and up into President Channel before arriving at Patos Island to get a magnificent view of the lighthouse which marks the northernmost point of the San Juan Islands and the division of the east and west passages along the archipelago. The lighthouse has been in operation...


Exploring the World of a Humpback Whale and other Marine Wildlife in Canada!

Saturday, May 19th | M/V Sea Lion | Noon

On this sunny May day Captain Mike, naturalist Rachel and I headed north with a great group of folks, up through San Juan Channel and Boundary Pass, searching the Canadian waters under South Pender and Saturna Islands. We got all the way over to the east side of Tumbo Island, part of the Southern Gulf Islands, where we spotted a humpback whale traveling northwest along the coast.

When we saw this behemoth’s flukes we could tell it was a BCX...


Zigging and Zagging with a Humpback near Plumper Sound

Thursday, May 17th | M/V Sea Lion | Noon

Pushing off the docks in Friday Harbor this afternoon, Captain Mike took the Sea Lion to the north, toward Spieden Island, where we found a few remaining Steller’s sea lions lounging on Green Point, savoring the last seconds of laziness before making the trek to Alaska for their breeding season.

Moving through New Channel and up John’s Pass we spotted quite a few bald eagles perched on trees and soaring overhead! We continued up through...


Bigg's Orcas (T123) and a Humpback Whale (BCX1210 Slate) in Boundary Pass!

[Friday, 5/11/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


It’s sunny weather here again in the San Juan Islands and it’s definitely starting to feel like summer. On Friday before Mother's’ Day Captain Pete and I took a smaller group out to look for exciting animals. We headed north to look in some of the usual places that we see prey for the larger species of whales that travel through our area. We started out looking at some Harbor Seals at Flattop Island. This whole island is...

Watching killer whales

Humpback Whale and Orcas in the Salish Sea - Friday, May 11, 2018

[Sarah – 05/11/2018 – M/V Kestrel – 1:00pm]


Ahhhhhhhhh… another great spring day in the Salish Sea, perfect for taking the speedy M/V Kestrel out on the water! After getting suited up, we headed out to explore this beautiful inland sea! Captain Mike and I decided to head North towards the Canadian Gulf Islands for the day. As much as previous days’ reports do not forecast sightings, the northern reaches of our range at the mouth of the Strait of Georgia have been off the hook...

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale Mom and Calf Feeding in the Salish Sea

[Friday, 5/4/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


May the Fourth Be with you!


Today, Captain Pete and I headed north to ply the waters of the Salish Sea and look for incredible wildlife. Yesterday, we heard of some Humpback Whales hanging out in Birch Bay so we headed in that direction. On the way there just as we exited Presidents Channel we saw a fairly large group of Harbor Porpoises hunting in a prominent current line. These little ones are the area’s smallest...

Humpback whale surfacing

Wonderful day of wildlife and whales! (Friday, April 20, 2018)

[Sarah – 04/20/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

Friday's whale and wildlife tour was OFF THE HOOK! We saw a little bit of everything!

We started the day by heading north out of Friday Harbor towards Spieden Island. Before even reaching its grassy slopes and rocky shores, we encountered harbor porpoise and Steller’s sea lions feeding in the rich upwelling water. We checked out some sea lions hauled out Green Point before heading across the island to see what we could find. There were ba...

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