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A Whale-Packed Day in the San Juans

[06/10/2017 ~ M/V Sea Lion 1200 Departure]

One of the biggest challenges of whale watching is in the name itself: you're watching WHALES. Wild animals, who can travel 100 miles per day easy, who spend the majority of their lives underwater where we can't see them. Untrained, unpredictable, wild animals. This also happens to be the fun of whale watching. You're watching WHALES! Wild whales that are on their own schedule and doing their natural whale behaviors while you just look on in...


Humpback & Transient Killer Whales near San Juan Island

[06/07/2017 – M/V Kestrel – 2:00pm]


Today’s M/V Kestrel trip was arguably one of my favorites of the season so far. We had an amazing time with two species of cetaceans and the plentiful other wildlife of the Salish Sea. Leaving Friday Harbor we took a right, heading south, through San Juan Channel towards Cattle Pass to check out some seals and sea lions before continuing on into Haro Strait. The water was glassy and we had multiple reports of whales in the area.


Double Whale Day - Humpback AND Transient Killer Whales in Boundary Bay

Happy Memorial Day! Today's whale watch and wildlife tour took off just as Friday Harbor's Memorial Day Parade was ending, and our introduction was punctuated by rifle blanks firing and finished up with a canon fire! How much more of an exciting start to a tour could you ask for?

As we turned away from the dock, the sun on our skin and the crystal calm waters stretching below us, we were happy to be notified about a group of transient killer whales moving south off of Point Roberts...

Humpback Whale

Breaching Humpback North of San Juan Islands

Today was a great day on the M/V Kestrel, full of fun learning experiences for both the guests and myself.  We had reports of humpback whales just off of East Point in the Strait of Georgia.  We sped up that way in a quick effort to get to the sighting.  We quickly reached the whales and watched as a humpback mom and juvenile pair surfaced slowly in, what appeared to be, no directional pattern.  We continued to watch as the pair went through dive sequences and showed off their tail...


THIS JUST IN: Humpback Spotted in Friday Harbor, WA

If you are looking for a good day, look to visit Friday Harbor (literally- the harbor). On today’s trip, we encountered a humpback whale within 10 minutes of leaving the dock! We watched the whale fluke and dive on numerous occasions, but we soon departed in search of other wildlife for the remainder of the trip. There were more sights to be had on such a clear and beautiful day!

We cruised through the islands with the Olympic Mountain range, the Cascade Mountain range, and Mount...


A Fluke Encounter

It started oout as a beautiful, calm day in Friday Harbor with a boatload of excited guests. We jaunted to the west side of San Juan Island in search of 2 humpback whales. We entered the scene and alas! Two black humps of whales rose above the waterline under 15-foot exhalations. The water was smooth as glass, and each ripple from the whales could be seen around them. These whales were exceptional at showing us their flukes, with their undersides displaying individual characteristic...


April Showers bring May Humpbacks to the Salish Sea!

M/V Sea Lion had yet another amazing early-season trip on May 17th, highlighted by numerous wildlife species. Leaving the dock we headed north from Friday Harbor and were treated to almost immediate viewing of bald eagle and other local bird species. As we move closer and closer to summer the diversity of seabirds is starting to shift away from our dipping and diving ducks, towards more of our murre and murrelet populations. Just one of the many seasonal changes we see in the...


Hooray! Whales Spotted on Mother’s Day

Today in the Salish Sea, the Sea Lion departed North of Friday Harbor from San Juan Island in search of wildlife for Mother’s Day. The sky was scattered with clouds, but the day was quiet and beautiful. Harbor seals were quickly spotted bobbing in the waters outside of the harbor, and sea birds darted into the waters alongside the boat. Into the trip, Stellar’s sea lions were spotted basking (and arguing) on a rocky outcrop jutting from the water’s surface. Being the largest sea lion...

Transient Orcas South of San Juan Island

Transients and Humpback South of San Juan Island

We were lucky enough to leave the dock with reports of transient orca’s south of San Juan Island.  We knew we were going to need to go a little further today than usual but the reports were still in our reach and we wanted to make sure we gave our guests the best trip we could in our power.  As we headed down San Juan Channel past the Southern tip of San Juan Island we enjoyed the beautiful view of the surrounding Northern Cascade mountains as well as the Olympic mountains and the...

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