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Humpback Whale Fluke

Humpback Whale Surprise off Stuart

Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 06/07/2021 | 12:30

It was a beautiful day here in Friday harbor. The sun beamed down on me and Laura as we guided our guests down the dock towards Osprey where Haleigh and Gabe waited to assist them aboard. 

We left the harbor heading south down the San Juan Channel towards the Juan de Fuca. We stopped almost immediately to admire a dozen or so harbor seals that were hauled out around Turn Point. With the sun just over them we could clearly see how diverse the...


Humpback Whale Found Near East Point!

Laura | M/V Osprey | 6/4/2021| 12:30

It was a wonderful day out in the Salish Sea this afternoon!  We headed north through San Juan Channel and started looking for all the prey items of our Bigg’s killer whales, like seals, sea lions and harbor porpoises!  We searched through Spieden Channel and found some adorable harbor seals and bald eagles!  Spieden Island is a great place to check out our bald eagle population and look for some cool non-native animals that have been residing...

Humpback Whale

Big Mama is my hero.

Big Mama is my hero. 

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/02/2021 | 2:00


Today was a classic example of how spontaneous and serendipitous whale watching here in the San Juan Islands can be. We left the harbor without a concrete plan: whales hadn’t been spotted in US waters, or if they had, they had only just hopped the border and disappeared into Canada. 


With the guidance of Captain Brian, we turned north, heading up the San Juan Channel towards Boundary Pass. 

We stopped at Spieden...

Humpback Whale

Divot, Big Mama and palpable silence.

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/01/2021 | 2:00


I woke up this morning with one of those unexpected, unwarranted gut feelings that today was going to be awesome. Today we were going to see something really special. And that we did. 

We set out of Friday Harbor heading north. Like days prior, we were getting reports of whales off Saturna Island, hugging the US/Canadian border. 

Now historically, because of the Right of Free Passage, this would be absolutely no stress. However, given the...

Humpback Whale in the Strait of Georgia

Family Favorite Humpback Whale Flukes in Salish Sea

Olivia | M/V Osprey | May 31st, 2021 | 12:30pm

Congratulations to anyone in the islands today- it was officially the hottest day all year! We spend every day out on the water with multiple layers on despite the temperature because these waters stay around 47 degrees year-round. With that wind flooding off the cool water, it makes for chilly trips even in the dead of summer. Lucky us! We had a lack of wind, blue skies stretched as far as we could see, and degrees. In the 3 years I...

Humpback Whale surfacing for air

Three Humpback Whales on the Canadian Border!

Abby | Sea Lion | 5/29/2021

We set out on M/V Sea Lion. Or at least, we tried. At the lowest tide of the year (or more notably, the past few years), we began our reverse into some shallow water. With the wake from the ferry and hardly any depth, we motored forward and tried again. This time, Captain Pete reversed almost symphonically, as the crowd on the stern cheered in joy that the ferry wake had ceased long enough for us to pull out of the harbor.

We made a beeline for the...


Transient Whales Near Friday Harbor AND Splitfin the Humpback

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/22/2021 10:00am

You could not have asked for a better trip than the one we had today! It started off as a classic gray Washington day as Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out into the foggy waters.

We headed south down the San Juan Channel, past Cattle Point Lighthouse until we stopped at some Steller sealions! There was a few grouped together but one massive sealion was staring at all of us on board and showing off his massive size. It sure seemed like...


Humpback Whales Throughout Southern Waters!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/16/2021 2:00pm

The sun shined high in the sky today as Captain Brian and I took out our speed vessel, the Kestrel, and zoomed out of Friday Harbor.

Turning right, we headed south down the San Juan Channel. We passed Lopez Island and the southern point of San Juan Island called Cattle Point Lighthouse. We speeded into open waters and took in the impressive view of the Olympic Peninsula.

Then, we started to see a couple whale watching boats on the horizon. As...


3 Pods of Transient Orcas Plus Mother & Calf Humpbacks for Mother's Day!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/09/2021 |1:00pm

What a beautiful day!

Captain Pete and I headed out of Friday Harbor with all our new friends and headed north through the San Juan Channel. The sun was shining high in the sky, so it made everything look extra blue and gorgeous today. The water stood completely still and flat.

As we arrived at Waldron Island, we saw our first blow! The crystal-clear surface water broke as the first hump emerged. We found two humpback whales! In fact, it was...


Bigg's Killer Whales Playing Near Point Roberts!

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 9/20/2020 | 1:00

This afternoon consisted of the most beautiful and wonderful wildlife excursion!  M/V Sea Lion departed Friday Harbor with full steam ahead, as there was an early morning report of Bigg’s killer whales in US waters.  They were headed NW from Patos Island, so we wanted to head north as quickly as possible in case they decided to go into the Strait of Georgia.  Along the way, we passed so many harbor porpoises I completely lost count.  A few of...

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