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Magical Minke Whale Memories

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/23/2021 2:00pm

Today was such a gorgeous day out on the water. The waves seemed almost mystical like we were floating in a painting.

The day began with Captain Brian and I jumping on the Kestrel and heading out towards the southern point of San Juan. Within the San Juan Channel, we spotted a large group of harbor seals lounging on the rocks. We even saw a pup! Hopefully, soon we will see more baby seals popping up.

We also found a bald eagle jumping along...

SRKW Swim West Side of San Juan Island

L Pod Southern Resident Killer Whales Forage off San Juan Island

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | July 25th, 2020 | 13:30

Starting off the trip, Captain Pete said to me, “Olivia, today is starting off a little weird, but sometimes those turn out to be the best days.” If he ever decides to retire as a Captain, he has a great future in fortune telling since he nailed our day on the head! A Bald Eagle soared through the sky as we left Friday Harbor and started our travels southwest. We had Mount Baker perfectly standing on the horizon, Mount Rainier glancing...


Dall's Porpoises Bow Riding?! Say What Now?!!!

Laura C. | M/V Sea Lion | 11/24/2019 | 12:00pm

Sunshine radiated throughout the Salish Sea today!  The seas were beautiful, surrounded by crisp clean air that provided miles of visibility.  We headed north in the San Juan Channel, through President’s Channel and past Patos Island into the Strait of Georgia.  Patos Island is home to a bald eagle’s nest, and it was a great first stopping point to larger wildlife, as their nests can weigh up to 1 ton each!  Passengers assisted in a...


Dall's Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions Inhabit the Salish Sea!

Laura C. | 11/23/2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00

The seas were rocky today in the Salish Sea!  Grey clouds blanketed the sky above swirling whitecaps in the San Juan Channel.  Captain Pete was in his element behind the helm as we stoically ventured north through the deep sloshy seas.  Days like this are my favorite because you really feel connected to the marine environment and feel that there is a greater force out there determining your impending voyage.  We first stopped near Waldron...


Humpbacks Wave Their Flukes at Friday Harbor!

Laura C. | M/V Sea Lion | 11/3/19 | 12:00pm

What an awesome day out on the water with Captain Pete!  M/V Sea Lion ventured north into the San Juan Channel on a clear sunny morning blanketed with crystal blue skies.  With only 10 passengers aboard, were able to move around our spacious vessel and appreciate the natural splendor of the surrounding islands in relaxed contentment.  Around the bend of Friday Harbor to the left I quickly spotted a bald eagle overlooking a madrone tree. ...


Orcas Hunting Seals and Humpbacks Seen Fluking for Fish!

Laura C. | M/V Kestrel | 9/1/2019 | 11:00am 

We had a lovely day aboard M/V Kestrel exploring the diverse wildlife found in the Salish Sea!  The radio was booming with reports of whale sightings so Captain Gabe was excited to tell passengers of the great news!  As our vessel left Friday Harbor, I was talking to passengers about the unique wildlife we were hoping to see just as a harbor seal came into view!  The harbor seal was basking on the rocks right near the harbor and was...


Great Wildlife and Orca Tour Near Salt Spring!



Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 08/11/19 | 3:00pm

What an amazing trip!

Captain Gabe and I set out of Friday Harbor and headed north through the San Juan Channel. We boated around the eastern tip of Speiden and towards the Cactus Islands. Here we found a bald eagle!

The eagle was devouring a huge salmon on the rocks close to the water. It was really cool watching him tear pieces away and you could literally hear him eating! But then things got interesting! Another bald eagle swooped in to...

Humpback whale

Humpback Pair Relaxing in the Straight of Georgia!

Laura C. | M/V Kittiwake | 8-5-2019 | 11:00am

M/V Kittiwake provided a beautiful wildlife tour all the way in the Straight of Georgia today!  We had morning reports of humpback whales south of Point Roberts, and once we arrived in that vicinity, we were happily greeted by beautiful humpbacks fluking into the horizon!  The pair was slowly foraging through the area, traveling at about 2 knots and heading northwest.  Their slow deliberate movements at the surface allowed passengers to...


Minke Madness on Hein Bank!!

Laura C. | 8/3/2019 | M/V Kittiwake | 11:00am

We all had an outstanding day on M/V Kittiwake!  With morning reports of minke whales feeding south of Cattle Point on Hein Bank, we anxiously headed south to check out the action!  On our way we stopped along some tiny islands to see some harbor seals and their pups!  These adorable animals were enjoying the sunshine and cool ocean temperature today!  Scanning the area above, we were excited to see a bald eagle perfectly perched over all...

Bigg's Killer Whales

Hungry Humpbacks and Tail Slapping Transients!

Laura C. | 7/19/2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00am

Today was absolutely exquisite on M/V Kestrel!  We had such a great time observing all the diverse wildlife found in the Salish Sea!  Our Captain Gabe rounded the bend out of Friday Harbor and we already had our first sighting, a bald eagle!  This eagle looked like he/she was supervising the vessel traffic in and out of the harbor from above and took this job very seriously! 

On our way to find whales we stumbled across some harbor seals...

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