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two orcas surfacing together in glassy water

Bigg’s Killer Whale family the T046’s and friend T065A5 near Port Townsend

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | September 14th, 2024 | 12:30 pm


Our Sunday trip aboard the M/V Sea Lion took us about as far as we can go during a 3-to-4-hour whale watching tour out of Friday Harbor. The only whales we knew of were slowly exiting the Puget Sound, heading north-west out of Admiralty Inlet. Captain Gabe and I hoped for the best and headed south in San Juan Channel. We stopped at Goose Island to look at some Double-Crested Cormorant nests and some hauled our harbor seals. We cruised...


Two Minke Whales, Two Killer Whales and TONS of Tufted Puffins in the Juan de Fuca

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 8/16/2022 | 2:00 PM 

It’s not uncommon for us to begin our trip with zero whale reports, and today was no exception. We always tell our guests that every single day, at every single hour we essentially “start over.” That’s because none of the whales in the Salish Sea are tagged, and we don’t use any type of sonar to find them. We are a part of the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), which is a private network that works organically off eye sighting reports...


Zig-zagging Humpback Whale and Puffins a plenty

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 008/15/2022 | 12:30pm
Today was a stunner! My goodness was it beautiful out- the sun was out and proud, Baker, Reiner and the Olympics stood boldly over the Juan de Fuca and seas were as calm as could be (we LOVE that). Kestrel carefully meandered out of Friday Harbor and zipped south through the San Juan Channel. It didn’t take too long for us to make our first stop at a haul out of Harbor Seals.
We most often see these pinnipeds hauled out on rocky...


T65As Bigg's Killer Whales and Puffins in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

​Helena 7/10/2022 MV Kestrel 10am   MV Kestrel had a jam packed Saturday with wildlife everywhere we looked! We began our adventure heading south as we received some reports from other vessels south of Lopez Island in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. With the Olympics peeking out behind the clouds, we made it through Cattle Pass and out of the San Juan Channel. We quickly caught up with a pod of the mammal-eating ecotype of orca whale in the Salish Sea, Bigg's Killer Whales! On scene were...

Magical Minke Whale Memories

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/23/2021 2:00pm

Today was such a gorgeous day out on the water. The waves seemed almost mystical like we were floating in a painting.

The day began with Captain Brian and I jumping on the Kestrel and heading out towards the southern point of San Juan. Within the San Juan Channel, we spotted a large group of harbor seals lounging on the rocks. We even saw a pup! Hopefully, soon we will see more baby seals popping up.

We also found a bald eagle jumping along...

Bigg's Orcas

Two Bigg's Orca Families Travel Strait of Juan de Fuca! (T65As & T137s)

Erick | M/V Kestrel | August 15, 2020 | 2:00PM


It was another super beautiful, sunny day out here in the San Juan Islands. Capt. Brian and I took a group out to go searching for some of our exciting local wildlife. We started by going south through San Juan Channel and into Cattle Pass! We made a stop at Whale Rocks in Cattle Pass. Here we saw about a dozen huge Steller Sea Lions. Some were rolling around in the water, while others were asleep on the rocks and dozing off in the...

dorsal fin

Fidalgo Island Orcas! 06/06/19

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/06/19 | 11:00am

As the sun shone bright overhead and the Salish sea beckoned us to join her, Captain Brian, Naturalist Sarah and I set out towards promising reports of humpback whales up north. But then, almost immediately, we got a brand new report of orca whales off in the Rosario Strait!

Filled with excitement, we headed south down through the San Juan Channel. As we neared Cattle Pass off the southern point of San Juan, we spotted a crazy battle in the...


A Humpback and Minke Day Featuring Special Guest Star: Tufted Puffins!

M/V Sea Lion | Friday, May 18th | Naturalist Alexandria | 2:00 PM

What a great day we had today!  As we were heading out of harbor we decided we were going to head south and see what we could find.  When we hit the water with no firm reports, all the captains are in constant communication with each other, and work together to decide where each boat is heading, all in an effort to ensure that we scan as many areas as possible looking for whales and wildlife.

We decided to head south...


Smokey Whale Watch| 8/14/18| 2:00PM

Leaving the harbor on Kestrel with a full boat of excited guests and my very own brother aboard for the first time! We even had some repeat guests whom I️ had taken out last time and had no luck with, so we were even more excited to see whales today. There were already reports of killer whales by Heinz bank south of San Juan island. These killer whales were two different families of transients traveling together, including the T65As who have graced us with their presence all summer!...

Bigg's Orcas

Two Families of Bigg's Orcas Play in Admiralty Inlet!

[Monday, 6/4/18 - M/V Kestrel - 2:00PM - Naturalist Erick]


On Monday, Captain Gabe and I took M/V Kestrel with a smaller group of folks out to look for amazing wildlife out in the Salish Sea. We headed south down San Juan Channel. We made our first stop at Whale Rocks situated at the entrance to San Juan Channel This entrance called Cattle Pass is a very small channel with a lot of shallow areas so as the tide moves in and out the currents rip through here often causing white water...

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