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Humpback Whales and Bigg's Killer Whales (With California Transient), Oh My!

Abby | Kestrel | 5/30/2021

The boat was full and everyone suited up. The cetaceans were out of the country; two humpback whales in Canadian waters and the orcas from this morning also heading further into international territory. We took off out of the harbor and jetted North through San Juan Channel. At least the sun was on our side; nutrient-rich waters lit up while harbor porpoises somersaulted over small wave breaks in the sea.

We decided to try our luck with the humpbacks after...

Transient Killer Whales near Spieden Island

California Bigg's Killer Whale Makes Appearance in Haro Strait!

Abby | Kestrel | 5/30/2021

Today we had the A/B Team; Abby the naturalist (me!) and Captain Brian. It was 10am and looking like a typical northwestern island day; dew sat in circular mounds atop blades of grass, while deer pranced about the island in the morning fog. We left the harbor in Kestrel, without the slightest bit of indication on where we’d begin our journey. We headed South through San Juan Channel and cut across Cattle Point into the Haro Strait. Finally, a friendly...


8 Bigg's Killer Whales by Lime Kiln State Park!

Abby | Kestrel | 5/27/2021

We suited up for our tour, the promise of a typical Washington drizzle looming off in the distance. The tide was at its lowest point, more so than I had ever seen, driving the crustaceans and nudibranchs lower on the pilings than they cared to travel. We set off on the zodiac, reports coming in about a Bigg’s killer whale family heading North on the western side of San Juan Island. As we zipped away from the harbor, heading South through San Juan Channel...


Sunset Spectacular with Transient Whales Near Friday Harbor

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/08/2021 |5:30pm

Today was one of the most magical trips of the season! And perhaps, my career.

It began just like any other day as Captain Pete and I gathered our guests and headed out of Friday Harbor. But, unlike a typical trip, it was a mere 2 minutes before we found the whales!

There was a pod of 4 Transient whales sleepily swimming up the San Juan Channel. There were hardly any other boats out as the sun sank lower and lower in the sky and cast a...

Bigg's Killer Whales Near Blakely Island

Bigg's Killer Whales Under a Rainbow!

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 7/11/2020 | 5:30PM

The sunset trip this evening was certainly a wildlife encounter to remember!  Passengers were decked out in rain gear from the afternoon, but luckily the skies were in our favor and we avoided getting rained on!  This overcast weather is some of the best conditions to scan for whales as their exhalations seem to linger in the air a little longer and create a nice contrast to the surrounding backdrop.  There was also minimal wind out there so...

J Pod Found Foraging on Salmon Bank

J Pod Found Foraging on Salmon Bank

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 7/11/2020 | 1:30 PM

Waking up this morning with rainy skies was no deterrent to visitors of San Juan Island to come on a whale watch, as marine mammals obviously love the water!  Passengers were happy as clams to board M/V Sea Lion with high hopes for the day and I was thrilled to hear reports of whales booming on the radio in our bridge!  We headed south through San Juan Channel and curved over towards Salmon Bank.  Captain Pete was in communication with other...

Bigg's Killer Whales

Bigg's Killer Whales Lull Around Blakely Island!

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 6/25/2020 | 13:30

This afternoon’s whale watch aboard M/V Sea Lion was simply spectacular!  We left Friday Harbor with reports of killer whales not far away, near Blakely and Obstruction Islands.  I am always so excited to hear the radio announcing the presence of whales even before we leave the dock!  After a quick safety talk from our Captain Pete, we hurried our way through San Juan Channel to get to Obstruction Pass.  There we were greeted by a couple of...

Bigg's Killer Whlaes

Cetacean Trifecta!! Humpback, Minke, and Bigg's Killer Whales!

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 6/22/2020 | 13:30

Today was another whale-filled day out on the water! M/V Sea Lion headed south through San Juan Channel and we barely made any headway before our first whale encounter!  A humpback whale was feeding in Griffin Bay and taking about 4-minute dives.  It was so exciting to see such a large animal so close to the shore in his/her natural habitat.  The upwelling was telling of a prime feeding spot in this area, as the birds swarmed above as the...

Bigg's Killer Whales on the West Side!

Bigg's Killer Whales off the West Side of San Juan Island!!!

Laura | M/V Sea Lion | 6/13/2020 | 5:30pm

This evening's sunset whale watch was spectacular!  We headed southbound through San Juan Channel towards Cattle Point.  We passed some fun pelagic bird species along the way, including pigeon guillemots, rhinoceros auklets, and cormorants.  After reaching Cattle Point, the seas were a little rough but passengers were excited for the adventure!  We received a report of Bigg's killer whales (historically called transients) along the west side...


Bigg's Killer Whales Cruise Around the San Juan Islands!

Laura / M/V Sea Lion / 6/10/2020 / 12:00pm

    Today I am thrilled to report a most fulfilling whale watch after a long sabbatical due to recent COVID regulations.  Captain Pete and I dusted off our binos and set off into the Salish Sea on M/V Sea Lion!  She seemed just as happy to be back out on the water as well and cruised through the seas like a well-oiled machine.  Our first tour is officially scheduled for this upcoming weekend, Saturday June 13th as well as Sunday!


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