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Young Transient Orcas Hunting Near Lopez Island 8/24/18 | 1:30 pm

Guests aboard M/V Sea Lion along with the crew had quite a day today! Heading out Naturalists Eric, Captain Gabe, and I were struggling to decide what group of orcas to go watch! There being a couple of reports of whales nearby from other boats, we decided to go through Upright Channel to the north side of Lopez to encounter a group. There were two young transient orca in this group traveling apart from their pod, which was further southwest. This was not typical behavior of two...


Whale Hunt

Captain Mike, Naturalist Alexandria and I were excited to be on the water on this VERY hot summer day. We had not heard of any reports in our area yet this morning, so we were a little anxious leaving the harbor with a full boat of hopeful guests. Some other boats had found a humpback on the West side of San Juan Island, but we were hoping that we would be able to find our own whales, so we headed up North towards the Canadian Gulf Islands. The whole way up the channel, our eyes were...

Harbor Seal Popeye and Pup

Spring Has Sprung- A Look at the Baby Animals of the San Juan Islands!

color:black">Hello sunny days , blooming flowers, and warmer weather… and hello baby animals!  Spring is one of the most exciting times on the island, and the time of year we here in the islands get to welcome all the brand new baby animals that have all just been born!

color:black">This time of year we have the awesome opportunity to see hundreds of different kinds of animals that just had pups, calves, kits, and many more!  The islands happily boast an incredibly diverse...

Transient Killer Whales in the Strait of Georgia

Four Species of Cetaceans Encountered! Whale Watching from Friday Harbor (04/18)

Sarah – 04/18/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]


Wowza, what a day of whale watching! Pre-season is one of my favorite times to be on the water because we never know what we will find out on the water. Yesterday started out pretty normally for an April day with no reports of whales as we left the dock. Captain Brian and I decided to head north towards the Canadian Gulf Islands to try our luck finding whales and other wildlife. Here in the San Juans there is no “normal” spot to begin...

A mother transient killer whale and her calf

So Many Killer Whales in the San Juan Islands!

[7/28/17- M/V Sea Lion- Kelsey, Naturalist- 1:30PM and 5:30PM]

Sunny skies and whales in the forecast- it was turning out to be a beautiful July afternoon! Our first group departed on M/V Sea Lion from Friday Harbor on San Juan Island and headed north through San Juan Channel and President Channel. We reached Sucia Island and the top of Orcas Island, and lucky us, TWO family groups of transient, or mammal-eating, orca whales were around, just three miles apart!

We arrived on scene...

Male killer whale at the surface

Transient Orcas North of the San Juan Islands

Whale, whale, whale! Today was another fun day out on the water with a delightful charter group! I have really been enjoying the guests we have hosted lately, especially on our charter trips when I can really sit down to get to know people.

Today Captain Brian and I set out on the M/V Kittiwake’s first trip of the 2016 season, and what a trip it was! We left Friday Harbor and headed north up through San Juan Channel past Yellow Island, Jones Island and Waldron Island. We also got a...

J pod orcas

The Boys are Back in Town: J and K pod Orcas around Salmon Bank

Even though May is here in full force and it has felt like summer the past few weeks, it definitely isn’t summer yet. The salmon still haven’t starting running full force through the Salish Sea so it is still unusual to spot the Southern Resident Killer Whale pods. The J-16s have been seen from time to time with other members of J pod, but we believe that this is so they can keep their young calves safe in the more protected waters here. So in this time of the year we usually see...


Orcas Near Protection Island Today-A Long Haul

On our Saturday trip we were delighted to finally see a couple members of the Southern Resident Community back around the San Juan Islands! Strangely, however, it was just K20, Spock, and her offspring, K38, Comet.K Pod members are rarely seen travelling for so long without the rest of their pod.

So, today when we yet again saw K20 & K38 travelling as a duo, people are left scratching their heads as to the whereabouts of the rest of K Pod. Luckily, though, seeing orcas is always...

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