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Steller Sea Lions

Steller St. Patty's Day: Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Little Lambs

[Saturday, 3/17/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

     We were blessed with yet another sunny day for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day. Captain Mike and I headed out again with a great group of guests and looked northward for exciting wildlife in the San Juan archipelago. We first stopped at Green Point on Spieden Island and looked at a large group of Steller Sea Lions rafting and swimming in the strong current streaming off of the point. This...


Awesome Autumn: Orcas and Humpback Whales enjoy the island fall weather with us

[Naturalist Erick, Friday 10/27/17, M/V Sea Lion, 12:00]

All of western Washington’s coastline has jumped headlong into fall this week. We have been basking in the warm autumn sunshine and cool fall breezes that mark some of the best days for wildlife watching in San Juan Islands.

Migration Station

On Friday, we started our adventure by traveling north. Autumn means southward migration for both birds and some whale species. The past few weeks we have been seeing Humpback Whales...


Steller Sea Lion Flings Salmon Near San Juan Island

Saturday, October 7 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00 PM :

When the M/V Sea Lion began its voyage today, the captain, crew, and guests had no idea that we’d be witnessing the pure power and agility of our namesake!  As we left Friday Harbor, we headed through Upright Channel and down the east side of Lopez Island. We had gorgeous views of Anacortes, and, as we rounded the southern tip of Lopez, of the Olympic Peninsula, with its mountains raising high above the Salish Sea. Captain Mike slid the...


Decisions, Decisions...T101's and T49A's On the Prowl Near Salt Spring Island and Navy Channel

Lauren Fritz, 07/06/17, M/V Sea Lion, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm Tours

What a day! Passengers on both of our tours were able to watch Transient orcas cruising through the Salish Sea. On our first trip, Captain Mike, Naturalist Sarah, and I decided to head over to a family of Tranisents that were hanging out near Salt Spring Island. What a beautiful journey it was! I hadn't been out this way yet this year, and I always love checking out the Canadian Gulf Islands. The San Juans are beautiful...

Transient Orcas near Gooch Island

Steller's Delight

It was another hot one here in the San Juan Islands on Monday, especially for May, but that means were get a little bit more sun and after a long, grey winter that is okay sometimes. Captain Mike and I set out with high hopes and headed north with a wonderful group of folks. We headed so far north that we eventually made it into Canada, and soon there they were. You could see the blows first and then large, dark, shark-like fins slicing through the water as this family of Transient...

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