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Baby Bigg's Killer Whale

Welcoming New Baby in Bigg’s Killer Whale Family, T99's

Haleigh | M/V Kestrel | September 15, 2021 | 2:00 pm


Today’s adventure tour was a blast! We left Friday Harbor headed southbound through the San Juan Channel. We stopped to hear the sounds of Pelagic Cormorants and California Gulls nesting on Goose Island and then followed the smells of Steller’s Sea Lions across the channel to Whale Rocks. One curious sea lion was jetting through the kelp and jumping up and out of the water like a missile! Others were hauled out on the rocks with...

Breaching Southern Resident killer whale

Southern Resident Killer Whales near San Juan Island

Sarah | 09/05/2020 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00am & 02:00pm


We had quite the day on the Salish Sea! With early-morning shore-reports of orcas heading into some fog around San Juan Island, Captain Gabe and I left the harbor for our first tour hoping that we could find those elusive animals.

We decided to head south towards Cattle Pass, enjoying some surfacing harbor porpoises in Griffin Bay along the way. We stopped at Whale Rocks to check out some Steller’s sea lions hauled out on the...

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