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Fall in the San Juan Islands

(October 28, 2017)  Autumn is the best season to experience the San Juan Islands.  The crowds of visitors have thinned dramatically, weather is often epic, and wildlife is more abundant than in the summer.  This fall has been exceptional.  Bobbing out upon the Salish Sea under crystal clear skies, my eyes have been busy drinking in the vibrant golds and rusty hues of maple, oak, willow, and cherry burrowed into the deep green canvas of Pacific Northwest firs.  Competing for my...

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale on the Westside of San Juan Island

[Naturalist Sarah – 10/16/2017 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

Yesterday was a great day out on the water enjoying the beautiful scenery and wildlife of the San Juan Islands. We started the day by heading south through San Juan Channel from Friday Harbor.

Just south of Griffin Bay we found some Steller’s sea lions feeding on chum salmon. We watched the large pinnipeds shaking the fish and ripping them apart above the surface. In the turbulent water we also got great looks at harbor...

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale at Constance Bank - 10/12/2017

[Naturalist Sarah – 10/12/2017 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

October continues to impress in the Salish Sea. Weather-wise we have come to expect rain in the morning clearing to beautiful, sweeping cloudscapes in the afternoon. Yesterday, Captain Mike and I steered the M/V Sea Lion south through San Juan Channel towards Haro Strait on the search for whales and wildlife.

We ventured out into the wide-open water of the straits on the Westside of the island. The water was wonderfully glassy...

Dall's porpoise in the Salish Sea

A Dall-lightful day in the Salish Sea

09/25/17 – M/V Sea Lion – 12 PM

Just as the rain showers tapered off to a faint drizzle, M/V Sea Lion made her way out of Friday Harbor Marina south towards Salmon Bank off San Juan Island. Moving though San Juan Channel, little 5-6 foot harbor porpoises broke the glass-like surface before disappearing back into the water. We began our search for whales in the confluence of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Rosarios Strait. Suddenly, tiny rolling black and white bodies appeared ahead of...

dorsal fin

Late Season Whale Watch Double-Header!

[Naturalist Sarah – 09/23/2017 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm & 04:00pm]

With recent beautiful weather and the incredible wildlife sightings we made a late decision to add a sunset trip to our schedule. It was such a treat to spend even more time out on the water at this magical time of year.

12:00pm Whale Watch

We left Friday Harbor and headed east through Upright Channel… we had a report of Southern Resident killer whales travelling south through Rosario Strait. Working together with the...

T011A "Rainy"

Magical September Whale Watch in the San Juan Islands

[Naturalist Sarah M. – 09/20/2017 – M/V Kestrel – 02:00pm]

Today was the embodiment of a perfect September day in the San Juan Islands. The clouds were high and we had periodic sun with some of the smoothest water I’ve ever seen in Haro Strait and in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Sea Lions

Captain Mike and I were lucky to have a group of 16 wonderful guests out for our Adventure Whale Watch. Mike steered the boat south out of Friday Harbor, and we headed down San Juan Channel through...


Transient Orcas off Sidney and - Surprise! - a Humpback!

Saturday, September 16 – M/V Sea Lion – 1:30 PM Charter

The Sea Lion motored up to Roche Harbor to pick up today’s charter guests—a wedding party! And a party it was. After everyone was loaded up Captain Gabe gave the Coast Guard-mandated safety talk and we were off! We headed north, cruising between Sentinel and Spieden Islands, and spotted a group of harbor seals hauled out on Sentinel! The little rock sausages were sprawled out, taking in the heat from the sun. Continuing past...

Transient Orcas

Humpback Whale near Victoria and Transient Orcas Travel to Cattle Point

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Sea Lion, 8/31/17, 1:30PM]


            On Thursday, Captain Pete, Rachel, and I took a great group of folks out on a wildlife watching adventure! We started out by heading west towards Vancouver Island to search for large baleen whales to the south of the Canadian city of Victoria. After crossing Haro Strait we saw a blow off in the distance! As we got closer we saw a small Humpback Whale swimming near Constance Bank. This one was a young one, but that...


Finding Needles in a Haystack- L-pod Spotted Amongst Fog

[09/12/17- M/V Sea Lion- Kelsey, Naturalist- 12:00PM]

Boy, was today foggy! As we left Friday Harbor on M/V Sea Lion, the day was overcast, but visibility was great! Then juuuust as we hit Cattle Point on the south side of San Juan Island, we hit a wall of fog in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. But, that wasn’t going to dampen our spirits! We were determined to find orca whales.

We were talking with boats out on the water who were with Southern resident killer whales, but we even had to...

Transient orcas travelling together in their family pod.

Tufted Puffin + Orca Whales = Great Day in the Salish Sea

[09/08/2017- M/V Kestrel- Kelsey, Naturalist- 2:00PM]

Today brought some drizzle, fog, and cloud cover (which has brought the smoke down quite a bit, yay!), but by the afternoon we had some better visibility and could forge our way south to an orca whale report!

M/V Kestrel zipped down to Port Townsend, but not before stopping at a Tufted puffin in Cattle Pass! It’s very rare to be seeing these clownish birds in our range, much less on the south point of San Juan Island! It was so...

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