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Southern Resident Killer Whales!

Members of J-Pod were seen off of South Pender Island today.  The whales were spread out and moving in an easterly direction.  Several individuals were very surface active: spy hopping, lob tailing, rolling over, and even breaching!  There were also a number of mature males including J26, “Mike.”  After spending some time with J-Pod, Captain Jim heard reports of L-Pod off Turn Point on Stuart Island (48°42.140 N, 123°15.687 W).  Again the whales were spread out and...


Crystal blue skies and whale tails!

The weather we had in the San Juan Islands today is what Washington residents live for during the dark winters.  Crystal blue skies, a scattering of puffy white clouds, calm waters, no wind, and mild temperatures made for an excellent boat cruise.  It also made our guests from Texas very happy.  We left Friday Harbor and headed down the eastern side of San Juan Island past Griffin Bay.  Several harbor seals were hauled out on an exposed rock, keeping warm in the sunshine.  As it is...



Everywhere we looked around!!!!

J’s and L’s were enjoying themselves today, intermingling just off the west side of San Juan Island, Haro Strait (48°32.60N, 123°10.58). There were approximately three different groups spread out and one of the groups had two large males intimately chasing after a set of females.  We decided to give them a little privacy and let nature takes its course, so we went on to catch up with “Moonlight” (L83) and her son “Midnight” (L110).



SUPER Pod! (May 29, 2012)

We traveled all the way to Victoria BC to see three different pods of Southern Resident Killer Whales. When multiple pods of whales come together it is called a super pod! 

Members of the J- and K-pods were traveling together, moving through Enterprise Channel between Victoria and Trial Island (48 24.46N, 12318.64W), with individuals from L-pod roughly 1 mile offshore.  The whales were traveling in an easterly direction. 

We were all captivated by the whales.  At times over 20...


Nugget and Her Calves

Today we caught up with 3 members of L-pod, a female and her offspring, on the west side of San Juan Island (Haro Strait 48°33’56.84N, 123°10’50.29W). They were headed south right against the shore line, moving at a very quick rate.

Within a few minutes of arriving we discovered that the female was L-55 also known as “Nugget” and one of the calves was L-118! We were very excited to see L-118 return home with mama because this calf was just born last year (2011) and can now be given a...


Residents in their Realm

Members of J-pod, K-pod, and L-Pod where traveling together again today out in Rosario Strait just southwest of Lopez Island; coordinates 48°24.051N 122°50.23W. Within a few minutes of reaching the area, the Sea Lion (our boat) was surrounded by whales on all sides! It didn’t matter in which direction we looked everyone was bound to see the whales surface. And man did it seem like they were in their realm!! We saw almost every behavior possible; from spyhopping to lobtailling to...


Adventures in the San Juan Islands

A day of adventure here in the San Juan Islands.  We departed on flat, calm water cruising north through the San Juan Channel when we heard reports of killer whales on the west side of the island near Kellet Bluff.  We found the whales 1.5 miles offshore from Lime Kiln Point (48°32.49’N, 123°10.71’W). 

The whales were members of J-Pod.  They were spread out, and cruising along the coast headed south.  A member of the L-Pod, L87 “Onyx”, was also seen among the J’s. ...


A Warm Spring Day of Whale & Wildlife Watching from Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

California Sea Lion

A Warm Spring Day of Whale & Wildlife Watching from Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

Today we took off with reports of our resident orcas coming north on the west side of San Juan Island.

We headed out of Friday Harbor going north making a stop at NWR Yellow Island, and rock outcroppings with 43+ snoozing Harbor Seals.   We made our way along the coast of Speiden Island. Often times this is a great place to spot Bald Eagles – no Eagle this time.  But we did...


Orca Whales, A Loon, A Brown Peligan, Dall's Porpoise & Stellar Sealion on our Last Daily Tour

Yes, we saw orca whales today on the 2nd of October - late in the whale watching season.  We took off from Friday Harbor, San Juan Island heading north toward Spieden Island.  As we neared Speiden, one of the guests spotted a large brown head which turned out to be a great big stellar sea lion fishing by himself.  We stayed on the south side of Speiden and Shelly spotted a mature bald eagle up in a tree. Down below the Mouflon Sheep and Sitka Deer were roaming about.

We pushed on to...


Almost the End...

Well, things are definitely winding down.  In just a few days there will be no more trips and probably no more whales until next year.  We were super lucky today and found a small section of L pod down in Haro Strait off the west side.  The water was super calm even though it was a bit rainy.

On the way home we stopped at got some final looks at all the Steller's at Whale Rocks and called it a day.  Until next year...


San Juan Safaris

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