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Two Minke Whales, Two Killer Whales and TONS of Tufted Puffins in the Juan de Fuca

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 8/16/2022 | 2:00 PM 

It’s not uncommon for us to begin our trip with zero whale reports, and today was no exception. We always tell our guests that every single day, at every single hour we essentially “start over.” That’s because none of the whales in the Salish Sea are tagged, and we don’t use any type of sonar to find them. We are a part of the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), which is a private network that works organically off eye sighting reports...


A Bucket List Moment: Breaching Bigg’s Killer Whales at our Bow!

Lauren | M/V Osprey | 8/13/2022 | 12:30 PM 

What an epic day! Dare I call it the trip of the summer? Today our 12:30 Classic Whale Watch & Wildlife Tour had one of those unforgettable moments... a key memory if you will?  

With no firm whale reports in the area, we had no idea what was in store for us when leaving the dock. Shortly after cruising out of Friday Harbor, we got word that there were some rumored killer whales in Rosario Strait. I say rumored because we were working off...


Bigg’s Killer Whale “Stanley” and Family off Orcas Island

Lauren | M/V Osprey | 6.18.2022 | 12:30 PM

It was my first day back to work after a week-long vacation and I had whales on my mind. I truly miss them when I’m gone, and I felt especially eager to show our guests all the San Juans has to offer. As M/V Osprey left the dock, we got word that Bigg’s killer whale family the T123s were in the area. The T123s are “frequent flyers,” or should I say swimmers, here in the Salish Sea. They are one of the families I’ve seen the most thus far...


A Bigg’s Killer Whale and Steller Sea Lion Showdown

Maxx K. | M/V Sea Lion | 04/14/2022 | 12:30pm

    The last few days have been insane. I love the Salish Sea for its spontaneity. Some days I’m out here on the water I feel like David Attenborough should be by my side, narrating the scene unfolding in front of me. Today was one of these days. 

When we started the tour we had no clear heading. Captain Brian and I figured we should start our search around Spieden and Stuart Islands. There tend to be several haul out sites for Harbor...


“Lucky” looks at Bigg’s Killer Whales and a surprise Sea Otter!

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 4.1.2022 | 12:30 PM 

On Thursday, March 31st the single day record of Bigg’s killer whale sightings was broken in the Salish Sea. A whopping 72 Bigg’s killer whales were sighted! Needless to say, Captain Eric and I had high expectations going into Friday's trip. Killer whales can swim over 100 miles in a day, and just because they are in the San Juans one day does not mean they will be the next. Knowing these facts, we were still optimistic that we would get...

Killer Whales traveling

Call Your Grandma!

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | September 16, 2021 | 2:00 pm


Family ties are incredibly important for many animals. Staying connected with your relatives is a way for information and culture to be passed down. For killer whales, older relatives act as a necessary resource for learning how to be an orca in the environment. Today, we witnessed the head matriarch of the T18 matriline, Esperanza, traveling with her youngest grandson, T19C Spouter. The two had split off from Esperanza’s...

Bigg's Killer Whale

Seas of Glass and Bigg’s Killer Whales

Maxx K. | M/V Sea Lion | 09/04/2021 | 1:30pm

    Today was another grey day. It felt like 7:00pm all afternoon as the sun never seemed to be able to creep out from behind the clouds. Yet still, the seas were flat calm, glassy. These are perfect whale spotting conditions and myself and our boatful of guests were hyped to get out there and see what we could find. 

    There was only one whale report this morning: a family called the T100s that were currently foraging just south of Hein...

Bigg's Killer Whales

Amber skies, flat seas and Bigg’s Killer Whales


Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 07/27/2021 | 5:30pm

    Osprey left Friday Harbor heading north this evening. Our morning trip left a family of Bigg’s Killer Whales off Lime Kiln on the west coast of San Juan Island. A mere three hours later this same family was reported up and over Orcas Island, approaching Sucia Island. It took us a little over 40 minutes to reach them: 

T037A Volker (1994, F)

T037A1 Inyo (2007, M)

T037A2 Inky (2009, —)

T037A3 Spinnaker (2013, —)

T037A4 Crinkle (2015, —)

Orca calf traveling with family

A Night to Spot and Identify Bigg's Killer Whales

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | July 4, 2021 | 5:30pm


Tonight’s sunset tour was one to beat! We traveled out of Friday Harbor northbound along Orcas Island. Recent sightings of cetaceans around Patos and Sucia island meant we had a direct route we were following. Going to these far-north islands was our mission, and we weren’t letting anything distract us!


By the time we passed through President’s Channel in between Waldron Island and Orcas Island, we knew to keep our eyes out for exhales...

Killer Whales Surround San Juan Island!

Southern Residents AND Bigg's Killer Whales Surround SJI!!

Laura | M/V Kestrel | 7/5/2020 | 2:00 PM

The Adventure Whale Watch and Wildlife Tour on M/V Kestrel was OUTSTANDING!  I am so excited to report that we found Bigg’s killer whales just minutes from Friday Harbor, traveling southbound from Spieden Island in San Juan Channel!  They turned out to be one of my favorite family groups, the T65As!  This family consists of 5 members, and T65A2 is a large male who is quite distinguishable in size from his younger siblings!  We had awesome...

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