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3 Orcas in Canada!!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/11/2021 12:30pm

Today, my adventurous spirit came out as we motored out to sea and into Canadian waters for one of the first times in two years!! We all felt so excited.

It all started when the Abby, Maxx, Captain Gabe and I jumped on Osprey with our guests and headed north through the San Juan Channel. With whispers of whales in the north, we booked it towards the border. But before we even left the harbor, we spotted a gorgeous bald eagle starring at us from the top of the canopy. It felt like a good omen.

Then, as we continued we spotted harbor seals! They were incredibly cute as their big beady eyes peered back at us! Luckily, they were far from the danger of the orca whales.

We headed up the Presiden’ts Channel and watched as harbor porpoises popped up all around the boat with their little dorsal fins shining in the sun.

Travelling further north, we finally crossed the Canadian border! As we approached Saturna Island, and rounded the corner near Tumbo Island, we started to spot boats and then blows! We found orca whales!!

As we sized up the scene, we counted three orca dorsal fins! According to their dorsal fin and saddle patch identification we figured out that they were T77C, T77D and T49A2. Also known as Neftali, Alcyon, and Jude. All three of them were teenagers born in the 2000s and seemed to be adventuring around searching for prey away from their families.

Together, they slowly led us along the Northern coast of Saturna until we could see the East Point Lighthouse. As the sun moved across the sky, their fins began to become shimmery in the bright sun.

We said goodbye to the whales and headed back home as the sun made the surrounding islands even more beautiful and glittery across the sky and reflective waters around us. What a beautiful day.










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