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5:30 Sunset Tours Best for Photographers

Last evening I got out from behind the computer and went out on the whale watching tour that departs at 5:30.

We went out of Friday Harbor, then south down the east side of San Juan Island.

About 1 mile off the south west side of San Juan Island  there were many, MANY whales.

It was an exceptionally active bunch of whales that we viewed for about 40 minutes. The energy! Breach after breach. Slap after slap. Even the youngsters were getting into the act.

I have a new camera. A splurge. 70 X 300 lens. Fast. But I am so new to it, I did not even get 1/10th of what these photos should have been.  I took video. Yep. 1 second each. Gotta work on that. DARN IT! I wanted to show you just how much they were cavorting!!!

Well . . . here are the photos that I did not delete.

Kristen Dom - Marine Biologiest and Naturalist

[caption id="attachment_2174" align="aligncenter" width="1000" caption="Hop! Resident Orca Whale Off South West Side of San Juan Island 7 PM"]


Mesmerized Guest on the 5:30 Whale Watch Tour

Photographer on the 5:30 Sunset Whale Watching Tour

Flip Flip Flipper S.W Side of S J Island 5:30 Sunset Tour

2 Mature Bald Eagle on the 5:30 Sunset Tour

Lighthouse on the South End of San Juan Island around 6:00 PM

Pensive Guest on Sunset Whale Watching Tour

Marine Naturalist Serena with Guest 5:30 Whale Watching Tour

Jump! Resident Orca Whale off South West of San Juan Island 7 PM


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