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Afternoon Trip with Orcas and Humpbacks in Canada | 07/09/2018 | 2:00


Jordan | July 9, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00

What a great trip we had today! Even though it was a bit cloudy and cold and it began to rain, the animals sure made up for it! As we traveled north, we stopped by Turn Point on Stuart Island to check out a bald eagle perched right next to the lighthouse! We were so absorbed with the eagle that we almost didn’t notice the huge pod of orca whales sneaking up on us! All of a sudden, we turned around and saw orcas headed straight toward us!

We found ourselves amongst the T124As and the T36As who were really excited and kept leaping out of the water and making huge splashes! They were super fun to watch. Then it looked like they found a seal as they all narrowed in on one spot and kept circling that area. We, unfortunately, didn’t see any carnage but that doesn’t mean the whales weren’t successful with their hunt.

Then we zipped on up through the Canadian islands and made our way through Georgenson Pass where we found two humpback whales! These were the two whales from earlier in the day identified as “Heather” and “Raven.” The humpbacks traveled peacefully through the Strait of Georgia, diving and disappearing for minutes at a time. Then suddenly, they surfaced right next to our boat! Our guests were so excited as we saw the shimmery whale backs so up close!

Then we headed back toward the orca whales to see them one last time before we headed back to Friday Harbor. Then they surfaced close to our boat as well!

What an amazing day! Everyone was so happy to see so much whale action!

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