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Afternoon Trip with Resident Whales off of Henry Island! | 08/11/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | August 11, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

This afternoon trip was incredibly lovely as the bright blue skies mingled with beautiful wispy clouds. Captain Mike and I jumped on the Kestrel and booked it north through the San Juan Channel in our speedy vessel.

We went around the north side of Spieden Island and checked out a beautiful bald eagle perching perfectly in a tree! At three feet tall and seven pounds, this massive bird surveyed the land and the sea for any food as we passed by.

Then we headed around Henry Island and found our Southern Resident whales! These beautiful animals swam all along the shoreline and out into the open water. But, even though they were really spread out throughout a large expanse of sea, they were still able to communicate with their vocalizations that could reach up to 10 miles! J pod breached randomly from all different directions! It’s always very exciting to see these wild animals in their natural habitat.

Eventually we headed south towards Whale Rocks where we watched some Steller sea lions smacking into each other on the rocky shoreline as they barked at each other. These huge animals are incredibly impressive to watch enjoying their sun basking existence. We also saw some little harbor seals right next to the sea lions that paled in comparison with their tiny five-foot bodies. Then we headed towards Long Island and found a huge bald eagles nest!

Finally, we headed home happy with a day full of wildlife!

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