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From An Up and Coming Young Marine Naturalist On Our Tour September 20, 2011

Resident Orca Whale by Guest David Paris September 20, 2011


Ode to the Orca

In a colossal embrace matter melted with music

Orgasms of fantasy and light.
It was so that the breath of the goddess took form,
Her chants crystallized in an ocean with twilights instead of waves,
Mask of the unknown,
Uterus of the first spawned orca.

The aeons pre-universe elapsed nurturing her gestation

and it was only when she was fully grown that time could born
for the sun is just a mirage of her belly,
the night, the tattoo of her skin embracing the infinite.

Oh! Priestess of life!

mother and channel of sublime
the light in the blue finds its path by following your chant
hence you are the luminous sentinel and the maker of the abyss
forger of darkness at your own image and likeness.

Unintelligible creature, terror is the shadow that your movement sows!

for in those with whom you share the ocean destiny exists and it is to fear you,
preys of knowing themselves your victims by antonomasia;
at their birth they learn from the waters that you mean death and angelical paroxysm.

The tale at you pupil is the law of blood and watch

written with the ink of lightning
over magma and submarine mountains.
Those of us who have suffered enough sacrilege,
dream with the return of the law that you embody and prophetize.

Hailed be him who finds himself at the face of the Orca,

for he could say that he has known the Truth!

“Quisiera yo que la majestad humana fuera sólo la encarnación del reflejo de la tuya. Pido mucho y este sincero deseo es, para ti, glorioso. Tu grandeza moral, imagen del infinito, es inmensa como la reflexión del filósofo, como el amor de la mujer, como la belleza divina del pájaro, como las meditaciones del poeta. Eres más hermoso que la noche. Responde, océano, ¿quieres ser mi hermano?”

Conde de Lautréamont



I wish that the human majesty would be only the incarnation of the reflection of yours. I ask much and this sincere wish is, to you, glorious. Your moral greatness, image of the infinite, is immense as the thoughts of the philosopher, as the love of women, as the divine beauty of the bird, as the meditations of the poet. You are more beautiful than the night.
Answer, ocean, would you be my brother?


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