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Baby Humpback And Baby Orca 05/25/19

Jordan | May 25, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 3:00 trip What a fantastic trip out in the San Juan Islands! Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel and sped out to adventure with our wonderfully excited guests.   We headed north through the San Juan Channel and spotted something beautiful right away! Bald eagles! Two gorgeous birds were seen soaring then perching on a tree on Spieden Island! You could definitely tell these birds were a mated pair. And Bald eagles mate for life!   Then we saw tons of hooves animals as we boated alongside Spieden and spotted mouflon sheep!   But then boom! We found humpback whales. But not just any old humpbacks, a cow calf pair! Aka a mother and baby. It was so fun to see the baby humpback whale showing off his little fluke as he worked on his deep dives. We counted down every 6 minutes as they methodically dove and then surfaced every 6 minutes on the dot. We flowed them alongside the north side of Spieden until Eventually we turned and headed west toward Haro Strait.   We sped through pleasantly flat water till we found the highlight of the day, our orca whales! We found transient whales! These are the marine mammal eating orca whales. We watched them frolick and play in the calm sea as they threw tails in the air and repeatedly spy hopped! Seeing their faces pop out and look at us definitely made everyone's heart skip a beat. We even witnessed some prey sharing! Amazing! Orcas are really good at making sure their families are well taken care of.   Eventually we headed back towards the south point of San juan near cattle point. Here we found sea lions! The perfect way to end the day. These massive creatures lumbered around and barked atop their rock bringing smiles to our guests.   What a lovely day. Thanks San Juan! 
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