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Baby K

Another beautiful day as we motored south down the San Juan Channel toward Cattle Pass.  It was slightly overcast but we could see Mt Baker standing tall to our east.  We stopped to look at a juvenile bald eagle sitting atop a rock otherwise covered with seals and had an "awwww" moment when a tiny seal pup surfaced behind his mom, looked at us with his big, brown eyes and then did a crazy little half breach dive.

We rounded Cattle Point and cruised west, toward False Bay.  In the distance we could see a handful of boats scattered over miles.  As we drew closer we could see dorsal fins here and there.  We sat, turned off the engines and observed whales in every direction.  We were watching a female moving along our port side when we spied a mini dorsal fin on the other side of her.  It was the smallest orca I have ever seen.

When we dropped the hydrophone our suspicions were confirmed.  We heard the familiar kitten-like calls of K pod.  It could only have been the new baby K I have heard so much about over the last few days.  The mom and calf moved but we sat and observed other individuals moving through the area.  We listened to faint calls and it was even calm enough to hear echolocation noises.

Laura, San Juan Safaris

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