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Bigg's Killer Whales and a Minke Whale

Today was an awesome day out on the water!  Our great group boarded M/V Sea Lion this afternoon and headed out east.  Once we passed over to Rosario Strait we headed north to catch up with some Transient (also known as Bigg's Killer Whales) that we had reports of!  We were so excited when we got on scene!  There were quite a few individuals- at least two families of these Bigg's Killer Whales!

We hung out for quite awhile with these amazing animals, watching their massive dorsal fins tower over the surface of the water.  It was a picture perfect encounter!  After enjoying these orcas for a bit, we headed west.  As we appraoched Waldron Island we were lucky enough to see a Minke Whale as well!  One surface was very close and we got some incredible looks! 

Throughout our trip we also got to see some Steller Sea Lions!  These massive critters always put one quite the show and today was no exception!

It was such a great day! Beautiful views, awesome whales, and an amazing group of people on board!

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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