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Biggs Killer Whales off Lopez Ferry Landing!

What an awesome day today shaped out to be!  This trip started out wonderfully- great group of people and a beautiful day!  We didn't have any firm reports other than some possible sightings past Victoria, so we decided to start scanning San Juan Channel!  Lucky for us some orcas were picked up near the Lopez Island Ferry Terminal!

How perfect was this!  We were already headed in this direction and almost on scene!  Our guests immediately pointed out dorsal fins in the near distance and we were there!  We were able to stay with these whales for a nice chunk of time becuase they were so close to us- it was fantastic!  These Transients (also known as Bigg's Killer Whales) were very fun and playful to watch!  We got to see some spy hops and tail lobs- it was a great time!

We then headed over to Whale Rocks and checked out some amazing Steller Sea Lions! Throughout this trip we even we able to circumnavigate Lopez Island which was beautiful to see and do!

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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