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Canadian Killer Whales! 05/27/19

Today was honestly such a beautiful day full of many wonderful moments. We met our people by the store and got suited up even though it seemed way too warm to put on those jackets. But, we soon cooled down as we jumped on the boat and sped out into the chilly sea. Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel and headed north through the San Juan Channel. 

First, we stopped by Spieden Island and checked out some Steller sea lions! They were just off the point playing in the water and rolling around. One even waved at us! They may have just been lounging in the sun or also sniffing around for food! You could tell these hefty fellows definitely loved to eat! 

Then we boated further north past Stuart Island and into Canadian waters. We crossed the Haro Strait and wound our way between gorgeous islands till we started to slow near Salt Spring Island. We turned into Saanich Inlet and found Orca whales! It was so exciting. We first spotted two Orcas swimming near each other: a huge male and a female. It was amazing to see the male's dorsal fin wobbling in the wind. Then, we spotted more Orcas swimming near shore! So, we slowly boated towards that area. Here we found four Orcas swimming together! They were all female and moving pretty fast, headed north alongside Vancouver Island. Potentially, these transient or Bigg's killer whales were looking for some marine mammal prey along the shoreline!

Eventually, we had to say goodbye and we headed back towards San Juan Island! So glad it was such a beautiful day out. Even the boatride itself was so lovely. We stopped by Spieden Island a second time when we spotted a bald eagle! It was perfectly perched in a pine tree overlooking the water. I hope my guests captured the best pictures as he posed for them. We also spotted a couple seals bobbing in the water.

Finally, we went back into Friday Harbor. But what a great day!

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