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A "Chamber of Commerce Day" on the water!

What a day!  We didn’t have to travel far, getting to enjoy the company of many members of J-Pod, with the star being “Big” Mike, J-26.  We were on the northwest side of San Juan Island at 48° 36.9345 / 123° 11. 8222.  Shachi, J-19 was leading a group of other females north.  After nearly an hour with the active Orcas, we turned north for a tour along Spieden Island, with harbor seals, Mouflon sheep and sika deer galore!  We punctuated  the hurrahs on that stretch with 3 bald eagle fly overs, right on schedule!  On the way back to Friday Harbor, we saw an immature bald eagle and a group of very active harbor porpoise.  One of our guests was from Seattle and told us that in his years here, he had never seen an Orca… “What a very special treat!”  Our pleasure to be a part of it.

The day started with sunny blue skies and later gave us just enough clouds for dramatic photos… the cameras onboard were constantly clicking!  Easy to see why.

Jim, Naturalist, Captain, all around fun guy.



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