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Don't let the rain fool you...

Today started off gray and rainy.  We got everyone suited up in rain jackets and blankets as we started down San Juan Channel.  We definitely took some spray over the side and the rain was getting everyone sitting up on the bow.  But we had a hardy group of people on board that were ready for the adventure.

We stopped just outside of Friday Harbor to check out quite a few Harbor Seals hauled out on the rocks and got an added bonus of a Bald Eagle perched in the middle of everything.  As we continued south we came across Steller Sea Lions lazing in the rain on whale rocks.  Definitely the most I have seen this fall all together in once place.  Very impressive.

As we headed up island towards the area where the resident Orca had been seen one of our passengers spotted a blow a little off shore.  Sure enough he had found some members of L pod.  We were the only boat in the area and our passengers enjoyed viewing the whales all by ourselves for a while.  We had 'Mega' and some of his family with us at first.  We then realized there was something else in the water with the Orca.  A group of Dall's porpoise had come on to the scene and some of the members of L pod seemed to be traveling with them.  Something I have never seen before!

On our way home we had a last encounter with 'Racer', one of the L pod females.  She has a very distinctive saddle patch and numerous passengers got great photos.  By the time we made it home the skies had cleared a bit and the sun was shining on us in the harbor.


Naturalist San Juan Safaris

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