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Eagle Cove Eats n' Play

This afternoon was absolutely, positively, hands-down magical. Our Southern Residents were heading in, and several members of K-pod and L-pod were foraging for salmon near Eagle Point. Sea Hawk left Roche Harbor with this report on our minds, and fair seas and sunshine ahead. We haven't seen our residents for the past few days, so it was exciting to have them back in the area!

But, of course, the best part about whale watching in the San Juan Islands is that you have a chance to absorb some amazing scenery on your way to view wildlife. Mosquito Pass, between Henry Island and San Juan, is a perfect place to slow down, breathe deep, and realize what a special environment you're surrounded by. Plenty of harbor seals and seabirds were enjoying the late afternoon sun with us.

But it seemed that everyone's highlight was our arrival on scene with the K-pod and L-pod whales who were first foraging, and then socializing, on the south side of San Juan Island. It was wonderful to watch the transition from feeding and foraging, to spy-hops, breaches, tail slaps, and just general family-hang-out-time. Orcas, just like us, want social time with their families and friends too! Life isn't solely about travel and feeding. We were able to hang out, on lake-like water conditions, and watch these whales splashing and playing and just purely enjoying life. It felt like a fairytale! A Salish Sea fairytale.

Check out these pictures below. We certainly saw Cappuncino and Mega, two adult male Southern Resident Whales, and their family pods. Baby Windsong was extra active this evening, breaching and tail slapping and just loving life. We were so happy to see this healthy calf feeling strong. 

I certainly could have sat and hung out with these animals for the entire evening, but sadly we had to get back to the harbor. We gave lots of sad waves goodbye, but we had an epic pre-sunset view of the islands as we cruised home with smiles glowing our faces. Magical! Orcas will have that effect. 

A Lil Slappity Slap Mega Doing His Thing
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