I had an appointment off island yesterday and was observing folks, dogs, ferriess and cormorants at the Anacortes ferry landing.
Great weather yesterday, today too and suppose to be the same for tomorrow - Mother Days (you remembered her, right?)
Here is a family walking the beach with their dog
Hope the family with the dog finds this
Cormorants. Ya gotta love them.
I noticed SO MANY cormorants carrying sea weed and eel grass to their
nests perched on PILINGS! Fits the bill perfectly (no pun intended, ok, maybe a little tiny pun)
This works even better than cliffs. Dependable. Uniform. Predictable traffic.
Coming up to the ferries.
If you have never ridden on a ferry - you have to do this.
The Anacortes/San Juan Island route is a scenic byway.