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Gorgeous, Gorgeous....

I thought yesterday was one of the calmest days we have seen this season, but I was wrong.  It was today.  We found some Orcas outside of Cattle Pass towards Hein Bank.  The first animal we got a good look at was L41.  He was generally traveling South, but not with any speed.  So we had some fun times hanging out with him.

After a little bit we headed farther north and came across a lot more of L41's family.  They seemed to be mostly milling and resting, but after about 10 minutes of swimming in circles one of them breached unexpectedly.  That seemed to motivate the rest of the group to start tail slapping and spy hopping.  To end the encounter one of the smaller animals had a nice breach right in our passengers line of sight.

On the way home we stopped for the Steller's around Whale Rocks, and just as we were entering the harbor we were able to shut down the engines and let a nice pod of Harbor Porpoise swim right past us!


Naturalist - San Juan Safaris

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